The What Are You Allergic To And Afraid Of Thread


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
So I guess I will start, I am allergic to Iodine, seafood, and most types of meat. Which makes me a vegetarian. As to what am I afraid of rats, because when I was a kid I got chased by one, well a wharf rat. Which if you live by the sea know that these suckers get pretty big because of all the trash and fish from boats that is tossed into the water. I think I was 6 or 7 and I thought it was a puppy and tried to get it to come near me. As it got closer I noticed that dogs don't have rat thin tails, that is when I ran like hell was after me. And since then I have been afraid of rats.


Closed Account
I'm kind of afraid of dogs, I got bitten by an alsatian when I was ten, it wasn't really bad, but bad enough to leave a scar down my left forearm. I'm not scared of all dogs though, my brother has three, so I can handle them and any dog I know is under control. If there's one on a long lead or running free, I'm not so scared that I shit myself, but I do try and avoid it.


Member, you member...
I'm ascared of walking across a street, but I can ride my bike in rush hour traffic.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'm allergic to bullshit. I'm surprised my job hasn't killed me yet...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm not allergic to anything, and I'm really not afraid of anything either. I'm sort of a badass...


Im not allergic to anything well nothing I know of as yet , but Susan Boyle scares me
I'm not allergic to anything, and I can't really think of anything that really scares me immediately.
*Takes notes of all your fears and allergies*

Hope you all sleep well