The Walking Dead video game.

Anyone play episode 1 yet?

Stupid Playstation Store won't accept my credit card for some reason, so I have to wait until I can pick up a Playstation Card. I've heard lots of good things though. Comparisons to Heavy Rain <3<3<3 to interactive novels and choose your own adventure style books. Huge emphasis on choice. I dig that. I also love the idea of releasing it in 5 episodes, like a novel or television series. New ideas + video games = awesome.



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Um where's the zombies?
i played a bit of it last night, really cool concept, i dig it and cant wait to play more of it!
not sure i figured i played about a half hour or so and i only made it to the city after getting evicted from the farm.
Not bad. I really wanna download this, but it seems like a waste if I'm just gonna beat it in 15 minutes.
im still waiting on the damn social game for facebook......
Alright, I broke down and bought it. Definitely pretty sweet so far.

Oh, and:

Stupid Playstation Store won't accept my credit card for some reason

"Naughty Boy You No Pay Bill Aha!"
Alright, I broke down and bought it. Definitely pretty sweet so far.

Oh, and:

"Naughty Boy You No Pay Bill Aha!"

+ i wanted to tell you before you broke down to get it.... it won't take 15 mins to beat it....unless i am just very anal and take my slow ass time with all games. i like to experience them not just rip through them as fast as i can.