Over your lifetime you will change your mind on many things.
We will find out what Romney really believes if he is elected.
If he lies too much then he needs to be a one term President.
Like starting another freaking war, that's what. That's right at the top of his list. The guy is a total RINO too, who will lie through his teeth to get into the Oral Office. Remember also, he was liberal in Massachussets (he made purchasing medical insurance MANDATORY - essentially the blueprint for "Obamacare"). He hasn't displayed an ounce of conviction in his views.
Honestly though I thought the health care overhaul he pulled out in Mass was actually a decent idea, although I wonder about the folks who are homeless or broke how they would ultimately purchase it. In my state we have a thing called GA or GAMC or MNCare which basically is free health care for people who make under a certain amount. It in a way creates a situation where if you are down on your luck it doesn't really matter if you get off your ass, which I don't agree with at all. At the same time, at the end of the day, people abuse the system regardless, right, so I think our system does in fact work...for us.
It also creates a cancerous atmosphere which invites freeloaders from all over the Midwest to migrate here (among other ones) to abuse what people like my families long history here helped create. See, I'm all for helping out the people here that have a family history of contribution and haven't just shown up in recent times to suck off us. But that's just me.