The TV Series Thread


I think it's time for a general thread about running or upcoming TV series.

Well, I think I'll start with good news for all the zombie fans out there:
AMC, the broadcaster that brought us such great shows as Mad Men and Breaking Bad (new season just started), will bring you The Walking Dead, an adaption of the Robert Kirkman comics. Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Mist) has made the pilot in co-production with executive producer Charles Eglee who has worked as writer and producer on Murder One, Dark Angel, The Shield and Dexter. AMC was so wowed by Darabonts pilot presentation that they immediately ordered a half-season of six episodes which are to air in October.

Coming on HBO within the next twelve months will not only be new seasons of True Blood (June 13th), Hung and Entourage, but also a lot of new shows, for example
Treme (premieres on April 11th), a show about post-Katrina New Orleans, starring John Goodman amongst others.
Boardwalk Empire (coming this fall), an "epic drama series set in Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition" (quote HBO) starring Steve Buscemi, shot and/or produced by Martin Scorcese and Terrence Winter (The Sopranos).
Game Of Thrones, a new fantasy series based on George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels. Cast including Sean Bean, Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, and Michelle Fairley. Shot on various promising locations in Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Morocco (Carncastle, Shane's Castle, Castle Ward, Tollymore Forest Park, Doune Castle, Ouarzazate).

Also coming soon:
Romantically Challenged (April 12th), Alyssa Milano's new series.
Glee (returns April 13th)
Gravity (April 23rd), new Starz dramedy series about a group of people who failed in killing themselves, starring Ving Rhames.
Party Down (returns with 2nd season on April 23rd)
Im Angesicht des Verbrechens (for the German users here: acclaimed German crime mini series, starts April 27th on Arte)
Happy Town (premieres April 28th), new mystery series, allegedly Twin Peaks style.
The Good Guys (premieres May 19th)
100 Questions (premiers May 27th)
Lie To Me (returns June 7th)
Persons Unknown (June 7th), promising sounding new mystery series about a group of strangers, imprisoned inside a small ghost town.
Warehouse 13 (returns with it's second season on July 13th with Allison Scagliotti (the main reason to watch season one) promoted from the recurring to the main cast)
Weeds (returns August 16th)
The C Word (premieres August 16th), new Showtime drama about a female cancer patient, allegedly with a very refreshing and "unforced" take on this subject.
Sons of Anarchy, returns with it's third (and hopefully not last) season on September 1st

I just read, that USA Network will star airing the new seasons of Burn Notice and Royal Pains on June 3rd.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
When does the Walking Dead start? Great comic too, but if it is on basic cable aren't they going to edit out the gore right? I am on the fence with this one.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The TV series I'm looking forward to the most this year starts on Monday, April 5. Chicago Cubs in Atlanta to take on the Braves @ 4:10 EST. Opening day, baby! It's just like Christmas.

Go Cubs Go!
Fox announced Fringe will be back for a 3rd season. Woop Woop!!! The 2nd season starts back up with episode 16 April 1st. After the bomb they dropped on us in February, I can't wait to see what happens.
My favs are Human Target, Burn Notice, 24, Law and Order and a few others...


Can we propose a FreeOnes show? Kind of like The Real World. 10 of us live together and hilarity can ensue?

Sure. :D Let me know who you would like on the show and I'll see what I can do. Members who are currently :ban2: are not permitted to be on the show. ;)

:2offtopic :dunno: :georges:
Bones is back in a couple of days, with episode s05e15.

Stargate Universe comes back this weekend, after a very long hiatus, but I'm not sure I even care anymore. It's not exactly SG1, is it?

Is anyone watching "The Pacific", from the people who made "Band of Brothers"? If not, go watch it now!
Is anyone watching "The Pacific", from the people who made "Band of Brothers"? If not, go watch it now!
I second that! Great mini series.

what about dark blue on tnt ?
TNT ordered a second season a while ago and this second season is said to premiere in June, but no official start date has been announced yet. So, I don't know.

When does the Walking Dead start? Great comic too, but if it is on basic cable aren't they going to edit out the gore right? I am on the fence with this one.
AMC's plans are to use the show to boost their Halloween programming. So I guess it'll start late October. Well, AMC is known not to be as prissy with blood or cursing on screen as some other broadcasters (especially some networks like CBS or FOX) but they probably won't openly show gore, sex or foul language. My hope is, that they'll do it like they did on Breaking Bad: going as far as possible on basic cable. For example with the cursing just being bleeped out instead of completely disappearing (as if the English language didn't know any cursewords worse than "damn"). And maybe they'll give us the full extent of violence and gore on the DVD/BD. Like FOX did with the first season of Sarah Connor Chronicles with extended scenes and a little bit more blood on the DVD/BD, before they completely ruined it in the second season. Well, it was a FOX series. Guess we can be glad that at the end of season two the terminator wasn't throwing pink plush bunnies.

Good news for all the fans of Castle: (Me! :D)
After the last two episodes had the highest ratings in the show's history, ABC immediately ordered a third season consisting of 22 episodes. :nanner:
BBC America started showing the first two seasons of "The Inbetweeners" in January. It's a really funny show. Hopefully, like other shows on that channel (*cough*Top Gear) it will be replayed over and over until we get new episodes.
V and Law & Order: Criminal Intent are both back on tonight.
In Plain Sight is back tomorrow.

Just getting on the "V" bandwagon. Not something I want to do but I can't take my eyes off of this pretty thing...

^ I like the look. Who is she?