Why did you quote me when you didn't address my question?!?
& your brand of religious philosophy is the kind I loathe. Belief in God through fear of the alternative. The depiction of God as Santa Claus for grown ups. It won't convince me to believe in him & also it smacks of zealotry. Your belief in God & heaven should be enough, take comfort in that rather than trying to force it upon other people with tales of torture & damnation. Why do you feel the need to do that? If you want to promote your faith why do it in such a negative way? Why not do it in a positive way? & when is Jesus coming back? Can you give me a date please.
If fornication is a sin why did god use that as the way for the human race to increase it's population? A design flaw?
Anyway, to quote Patti Smith - "Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine. . .My sins my own, they belong to me".
The answer to your first question is man nor the Son no the day or the hour, Only God knows. I am telling you about the book of revelation of what will happen. If you want to see that for yourself than be my guest but if you want to escape now is the time to ask for forgiveness. It is going to happen for that is the truth. If you think I am going to make you feel good with out you being good or portraying Jesus as a hippie not going to happen. FYI in the bible there is more about Gods wrath than there is about God's love.