The Trump Presidency

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On the dark side of the moon
I'm really torn on who I'd like to see win in November. On one hand, it's important to get rid of trump to stop the freefall, but on the other hand ..
Has your mail-in ballot arrived yet? As someone who actually lives here, there is no other hand in this election. The road to normalcy starts here and now. Biden will be a good transitional figure.

In 1861 geographically simple because North and South. Now everyone is everywhere. States may be red or blue but not all parts of each state is all red or all blue. Makes my stomach hurt and when something that big hurts, you had better listen to it.
More common sense. It's more of an urban/rural divide and that would be quite a division. Do we build a bunch of walls (like Berlin's) around cities?
In 1861 geographically simple because North and South. Now everyone is everywhere. States may be red or blue but not all parts of each state is all red or all blue.

That's true, separation was never an option. If all this tension goes loud, there won't be a battlefield, or a front, there will be thousands, all over the country, ranging from skirmishes with a handful on either side up to full scale battles. And it will drag on, for years.
That's why I don't see a solution to this problem, because I don't see the trump cult ever being willing to rejoin normal society. If anyone has any good ideas, I'm yet to hear them.

The road to normalcy starts here and now. Biden will be a good transitional figure.

You're not thinking long term. What if Biden gets the presidency, but not the senate? No new legislation passed, they start holding court seats open again, waiting for the next republican president, while Biden is left to try to deal with trump's economy, and trump's virus, and trump's long list of foreign policy failures, with no effective legislature?
It's going to be 4 years of the senate spoiling, the presidency crippled, and the trump crowd blaming everything on Biden. Then after that, it's president tucker carlson, or someone equally detestable.
I 100% agree with you that a Biden presidency wouldn't be the end of the fight, it would be the beginning. But what I'm saying is, a narrow victory now might not necessarily be better than a big win a little bit later. Neither the left, nor the right, seem to have learned their lessons from this administration, so the question is, would they, given 4 more years? If the answer is no, then I don't know where you get your hope from.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Has your mail-in ballot arrived yet? As someone who actually lives here, there is no other hand in this election. The road to normalcy starts here and now. Biden will be a good transitional figure. gkase

They started mailing them here last Thursday.


On the dark side of the moon
You're not thinking long term. What if Biden gets the presidency, but not the senate? No new legislation passed, they start holding court seats open again, waiting for the next republican president, while Biden is left to try to deal with trump's economy, and trump's virus, and trump's long list of foreign policy failures, with no effective legislature?
It's going to be 4 years of the senate spoiling, the presidency crippled, and the trump crowd blaming everything on Biden. Then after that, it's president tucker carlson, or someone equally detestable.

I 100% agree with you that a Biden presidency wouldn't be the end of the fight, it would be the beginning. But what I'm saying is, a narrow victory now might not necessarily be better than a big win a little bit later. Neither the left, nor the right, seem to have learned their lessons from this administration, so the question is, would they, given 4 more years? If the answer is no, then I don't know where you get your hope from.
Everything is hypothetical. You may be right or you may be wrong. 🤷‍♂️ I know this much: if I was having a heart attack or a stroke, I would seek help as soon as possible.
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Good analogy, but the help might be a choice between your meth head neighbor, who is here now, and calling an ambulance and waiting. Neither one is great.

Edit: I probably should have added, the ambulance may or may not ever arrive.
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So, depending on who you listen to, trump has between 400million and over a billion in debt, and is hemorrhaging money everywhere, with a lot of debts coming due in the next 4 years. Debts held by foreign nations like, say, Russia.
People with that kind of debt are not allowed security clearances, with good reason.

But I'm sure trump won't let it affect his service to the people of the United States, right? He'll always do the moral thing, and not just try to save his own ass?
Apparently the giant dipshit took out a hundred million dollar mortgage in 2012 and has been making interest only payments and the entire amount is due in 2022!

I bet that giant fucking potato is one pissed off motherfucker tonight, and he's going to be in a right mood for the debate. Will he bail out, or will he storm in there and get fucking nuts???? Can't wait to find out!


The system failed.
If the government had done a thorough background check in 2016, Trump would never have been allowed to run for president.

Donald Trump attacked Barack Obama over paying taxes in 2012


Hiliary 2020
Greeting Fellow Trump Fans. Can I get a "Lock Her Up". Well Alright. Now don't worry, Trump is coming to save us. Have patience. In the meantime just continue to wear your face gags, stare at your cell phones, and wave your Trump 2020 signs and flags and life-size Trump cardboard cutouts.. He is coming to save us as soon as he finishes Draining The Swamp, Building A Wall, and Making America Great Again. Trump is on our side. He's just like us (providing you were born filthy rich, got much more richer, became a B Rate Celebrity and love being the center of attention). It's not like he's just another fraud who was chosen to be PREZ at least 10 years back when he was going around Fox News talking about Obama's Birth Certificate. Chosen by the rich billionaire/trillionaire criminals who own all the politicians and own and control the entire US Government/News Media and have for generations Only some Conspiracy Guy you went to High School with or a relative who you were once close to but now can only respond with a Thumbs Up or Heart emoticon whenever he writes you would claim such a thing. Yes, Trump is coming to save us, either before or after Jesus Christ I'm not sure . Because he's for real and US Politics is definitely not 100% scripted theater. But he will save us even if it takes him until his last day in office in 2024. And if not I will eat my MAGA Hat and hope President Oprah or President The Rock does a better job.. Thank You, Stay Safe everyone! ( Stay Safe is my way of saying Go **** Yourself).

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
I would like to offer The Donald a campaign slogan free of charge. I read that the Air Force is working hard on a New Air Superiority Fighter jet. apparently to counter the new Russian and Chinese jets that are approaching our level. The Slogan is: "We are going to build a New Fighter plane, and China is going to pay for it"

And in case you though I made it up(Fake News) here is the story:

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Apparently the giant dipshit took out a hundred million dollar mortgage in 2012 and has been making interest only payments and the entire amount is due in 2022!

I bet that giant fucking potato is one pissed off motherfucker tonight, and he's going to be in a right mood for the debate. Will he bail out, or will he storm in there and get fucking nuts???? Can't wait to find out!
Can we say BALLOON!
Remember when during this talks with Hillary and she brought up taxes issues and him not paying any he interrupted with saying "That makes me smart"? Hence anyone who does pay taxes is dumb by inference.

What I hate is people's takeaway that he's "winning" the "game." If there's anything in government that shouldn't be played that way is taxes. The real issue this should be stirring up is that code reform and simplification should be paramount.
What I hate is people's takeaway that he's "winning" the "game." If there's anything in government that shouldn't be played that way is taxes. The real issue this should be stirring up is that code reform and simplification should be paramount.
Don't think so individuals take all the deductons and credits that they can to minimize their debt why shoukdnt a biz owner that can employ more people than as his business grows and pay6 more and better compensation because he has more of his profits and perrish the thought may be he nuys a boat and takes the fam on vacation because he American and that is the dream. Weird that lefties are so obsessed with a person's money while their guy is filthy rich with dubious ties to hotsle govts.


Staff member
Remember when during this talks with Hillary and she brought up taxes issues and him not paying any he interrupted with saying "That makes me smart"? Hence anyone who does pay taxes is dumb by inference.
Sorry but this is completely false because Trump did pay his taxes, NYT's hit piece includes its own fact check: Trump paid $1 Million in 2016 and $4.2 Million in 2017 to US Treasury. So Hillary's accusation were false, absolutely not credible and defamatory, but her being a twice losing presidential candidate alll the tactics were good to smear Trump.
Wondering with what kind of built up and fabricated slander the radical Democrats will come up next.


Staff member
Some forget that Donald Trump is doing his best to help the country such as to announce $500 Billion ‘Black America Plan,’ designate KKK And Antifa as terrorist organizations

But also Trump formally announced plan to distribute 150 Million Rapid Coronavirus tests across the country

I mean seriously, a president that involves himself this much energy to make sure that his country is back on track is not enough?

Let's not forget that it is under his presideency that Arab and Israeli Leaders to sign historic Abraham Accords
What does that mean? More stability and peace in the Middle East and an embetterment of relationships between Israel and its Arab neighbors

Also Trump campaign sues to block mail-in expansions in North Carolina for avoiding voter fraud


Everything you mentioned above, the government staff does 100% of the work.
Trump comes back from his weekly golf trips, signs the official documents, and takes credit for everything, having done none of the work.
Like most empty promises Trump makes, it's all propaganda to get reelected.
If Trump wins the 2020 elections, he will ignore his empty election promises and 99% of his focus will go back to stealing government money, and trying to make the White House his permanent official residence.
Most of his time is spent traveling around the country campaigning or playing golf at his Maralago resort, and all expenses are paid by the government aka taxpayer money.
He only goes back to the white house to take photos of him signing documents and having meetings, or campaign for the election at the white house press meetings.
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Hiliary 2020
Hey Lux how ya been? I've been away doing 6 months in Chino for writing bad checks to the George Floyd Memorial Barbeque Fund. Anyway your mostly right. Trump like Obama is just an actor reading their daily script. And the elections are a fraud. Trump was chosen to be a 2 termer at least 10 years ago. Thats why they always put them up against a sure loser the second time around. Makes it easier to rig. Mondale, Dole, Kerry, Mccain, Biden, all sure losers. Thats why Hiliary isn't running again because no one would believe she lost twice to this clown. Thats all, carry on debating over your scripted reality show. Stay Safe.
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