Oh.. well we all have our moments.other than Justice Scalia was murdered and the Dylann Roof shooting was fake, nothing whacky at all.
Oh.. well we all have our moments.other than Justice Scalia was murdered and the Dylann Roof shooting was fake, nothing whacky at all.
No meester. You profess to be above the sheep when it comes to fake news. Sure it's out there but YOU are also the one being duped into your outlandish beliefs. You're a sheep to conspiracy theorists. Even with facts presented you won't let your ego admit when you have been duped. How do I know this? You brought up Sandy Hook after we had a discussion about that subject and I presented facts. I also cut down your central bank theory and you not only ignored the subject but diverted it. It's your opinion vs facts and facts never win for you.
If you want to come onto a public discussion board, with your beliefs, expect to have a discussion.
The other guy. Hes just a pest. He enjoys trying to upset people. You can say the skys blue and he'll say its green.
He's a combative personality.
Thats what he does.
You and me just disagree.
Bob I have not seen any facts at all that anybody died at Newtown.
Not even evidence that Adam Lanza even existed except for one very photoshopped photo.
You want to believe it go ahead but dont say you presented any facts because you didn't.
Bob I have not seen any facts at all that anybody died at Newtown.
Not even evidence that Adam Lanza even existed except for one very photoshopped photo.
You want to believe it go ahead but dont say you presented any facts because you didnt.
I really need to leave the loonies on here alone. And when I say, "the loonies", I'm really just referring to meester, and maybe that Bloodshot dude, but mainly meester, he's over the top with that conspiracy stuff.
I don't trust the American government, that's all. And I don't think my thinking in that matter is that far off from some far left quacks out there.
As far as the Sandy Hook (and Hungerford, and Dunblane) thing goes, I'm more inclined to believe it was fabricated as well. I can't (nor do I believe) prove it, but I can't say for a fact it was totally legit. (Same thing for Gulf of Tonkin and the lies that dragged our country into Iraq)
The death records are public. I showed you that they exist. What do you want me to do, hand deliver them to you? Go do your extensive research IF you care to know the truth. Here's the link to request them.
But you won't. You would rather hold onto those convoluted theories sold to you. Hold onto your beliefs if you want but don't tell us that because you have never seen them they don't exist. I've never seen my Great-Grandparents but I'm pretty sure they existed.
And there you go as I expected. Divert the conversation whenever facts or logic presents it's self. Rather drop the subject than seek or admit you are wrong. Public forum, remember?
There are many nations buying and selling oil without using the dollar. That means that there are many markets to choose from for whatever currency they wish to exchange. Solvent nations doing business as they please without threat. I can back this by showing you charts and graphs. All you have is theory with theory to back it up. And if you want to pursue that subject further than go ahead, otherwise I'll not mention it again. Same goes for that African Bank tangent you used to divert the discussion.
I'm not going to search that site.
I looked once, don't see any death certificates.Even if I did I would not trust that site for death certificates.
Its a Newton Connecticut community website...
Lanza supposedly died. Lanza who is a complete ghost, no record he ever existed except for a page which said he died the day before the shooting.
The Lanzas, who not one person in the town knew....
Not one parent under the age of 40...
I could go on and on and nobody could explain away any of these things.
As far as the Sandy Hook (and Hungerford, and Dunblane) thing goes, I'm more inclined to believe it was fabricated as well.But you believe what you want and Ill believe what I want.
The link I provided you with revokes all of those beliefs yet you won't go there to get those facts. That community website is linked to the clerk that houses and provides the death certificates you allege don't exist. Public records. "and if I did I wouldn't trust them."
You have certainly exposes yourself as a fool. The dude that believes in theories rather than facts. You search to reinforce those theories rather than actual facts. I'll bet you have a fish license for your pet halibut named Eric. (first correct reference gets 200 FreeOnes points transferred from my account to yours).
The link I provided you with revokes all of those beliefs yet you won't go there to get those facts. That community website is linked to the clerk that houses and provides the death certificates you allege don't exist. Public records. "and if I did I wouldn't trust them."
You have certainly exposes yourself as a fool. The dude that believes in theories rather than facts. You search to reinforce those theories rather than actual facts.
I'll bet you have a fish license for your pet halibut named Eric.
Contest: First correct reference to the above gets 200 FreeOnes points transferred from my account to yours)
Last time I'm responding.
You believe what you believe and I'll believe what i believe.
I could just as easily insult some of you for believing it actually happened as well as all the other Obama era fake massacres.
Bottom line. I am basing my opinion from probably hundreds of hours of studying this thing.
You are basing yours on they said its real so it must be real. They wouldn't make something like this up.
Get the final word if you want, I'm done.
Yeah, BC, you were saying...?
Which makes you a RINOFact: I am not insulting you, just using logic and facts to debate theory.
I still like Scott, he isn't a dick.
I could probably use,some of my professional connections to get court documents pertaining to Sandy Hook..
But I doubt they would even believe it then.
No, not a dick, but does post whacky shit. That's the real tragic part of it, court documents wouldn't change their minds, it's like they had to be there and see the bullets rip through those kids bodies, and since they didn't they're ok with saying it's fake, that's about as callous as it gets, and for what, to push some fringe agenda? That's fucked up and not in a guy with a saxophone following fat people kind of way.
I'm not even sure that would convince some of them. I think MP and others like him get off on being the one or the few who "gets it" and they won't let anything change that. It's like that idiot who stormed Comet Pizza or whatever it's called with an AR-15 looking for the secret rape rooms. He didn't find them of course and was arrested. Wherever he's stewing now, he's not convinced those rooms are not there, just that he didn't find them.
Yeah, it's that there are real victims (including kids) and real grieving families that is the most fucked up thing about these conspiracy theorists. Other than that, they're nice people.
I get no satisfaction of being one of the few that gets it.