I'm not a fan of President Trump and I didn't vote for him. I don't think he is presidential and I think he appeals to the lower qualities in us. I also don't think he is wrong all of the time and I don't "hate" him or think he is an "idiot" because of his style.
I think he is the result of divisiveness that has been brewing in this country for a while.
His style isn't going to change. I think what can change is how we handle it. I really don't think people think 100% left or 100% right. They are drawn to hating one side of the other by emotion. The Democrat politicians feed off of this, just like Trump and the Republican politicians do.
If we dropped the dopey memes and stopped thinking the "other side" is 100% wrong all of the time, we may actually get some where. I think most of the country is closer to the middle than the extremes.
In terms of what other countries think about us - I really don't care. They have their own problems and suffer a bit from "they hate us, cuz they aint us".