Actually I have, and each and every response you've given is just another attention-seeking petty piece of bullshit and your self-righteousness won't cloud that. And there are rules, you just don't seem to be aware that they're not of your making nor yours to enforce as you see fit.
1) The mods do enforce them, again, maybe not to your liking, but that means you can fucking leave, not expect us all to bend to your expectations.
2) There are trolls still, but the only one I legitimately see in this thread is you.
1, it's not special protection to expect people not to be abused with speech intended to debase their existence as human beings by making a quality of their existence a negative in itself.
2, you can't use a term in a negative sense as an epithet, i.e., assign it a certain connotation in your usage, without thus implying a relation to its denotation. You made "a play on words" in order to try to insult someone with whom you disagreed, and the intended insult was to change his name to include "gay", which by extension implies that you think it's a self-evidently negative thing to be labeled or identified as "gay" or else the "play" would have no meaning for your uses.
You're quite entertaining; to watch you try to twist your way into seeming reasonable while also attacking each and every person who doesn't agree with you is more enjoyable than most spectator sports. You're "relatively new" here according to your first post. Forgive me for hoping you, Trollover (hey look I can make malapropisms out of portmanteaus too!), do not stay relevant long enough for that status to change.