So the moral of the story?
1. If you become even remotely successful, you're automatically a "sell out" - especially if you're a "punk" band (?)
2. Bands that rage against 'labeling' and 'pigeon holing' will be categorised, pigeon holed and labeled - be it "punk", "rock", "what have you".
Personally - There's only two kinds of music. "Good" music (i.e. the kind I find appealing) and "bad" music (i.e. Music I do not find "appealing"). The rest is mere window dressing. My musical tastes range from Beethoven to Eminem. From Led Zeppelin to Iron Maiden. From Porcupine Tree to Pearl Jam. I don't reject something simply because it's "pop" or "they are sell out pussies". Great bands have made some shitty music - and know-nothings have also made enduring one hit wonders.
Labeling is shite anyways - Pink Floyd have variously been labeled as "pop", "Psychedelia", "Rock", "Progressive Rock" etc. To me, it never stood for anything other than a marketing gimick by record companies popularized by radio stations to make it more appealing.
Musical taste is subjective anyway - art is in the eye of the beholder and critique is nothing more than subjective opinion masquerading as fact.
Appreciate art for what it is, ladies and gents. And if it not your cup o' tea - then leave it be.
My $ 0.67,