It's a prequel, so that couldn't happen.
I was a huge doubter of this film, but it was awesome.
I don't want to say it lacks the suspense/mystery of the '82 version, because it is there, but it doesn't kick you in the ass like '82 did. I wasn't thinking, "who the fuck is it??" the entire time. It was more of a "when is it going to show it's face?" Paranoia wasn't a major theme here, although, I don't think they were going for that same feeling.
The acting was pretty good for the most part, but who am I to judge? Most of the actors looked legit scared out of their skin and that's good enough for me.
The whole film remains genderless, even though the lead is a female.
A lot of people thought the woman would be the know it all, and nobody would believe her and she'd turn out to be right all along, and it would be insulting to men everywhere.
All I'm saying is, don't let the female lead turn you off of the movie.
Now, the visuals. There was some truly horrifying stuff that even Carpenter would approve of. It was exciting to see the Thing in it's many different forms. Couple this with the trademark screams of '82 and you have a winner.
If '82 was 10/10, this one is a solid 8/10. Get off your high horses and give it a chance. I'm glad I did.