Little Red Wagon Repairman
Congrats are definitely in order. Let's get this party started. I believe I see Mike Pence snorting coke off Susan Collins' backside.
A friend of mine told me about this. Threatening government officials of the United States is a Class C or D felony, usually carrying maximum penalties of 5 or 10 years. Ah the tolerant left and its golden double standards![]()
There are more charges that can be added if a U.S Attorney wants to get creative. Conspiracy and/or against the U.S. government or officials is one. That usually gets their attention.
More unhinged liberal madness:
I thought this was the most humorous thing that I've seen from the hearings.
A few of the women were clearly triggered by a dismissive wave of the hand on the Senator’s part.
“Why aren’t you brave enough to talk to us and exchange …,” one woman inquired before Hatch scoffed at her display.
Measured tones were replaced by screeching nonsense.
“Don’t you wave your hand at me, I wave my hand at you!” she
That’s when Hatch dropped this bomb: “When you grow up I’ll be glad to,” (talk to you).
“How dare you talk to women that way!”wtf: Clearly this gal suffers from PWWDS: Privileged White Woman Derangement Syndrome - a mental condition which primarily affects upper middle class White females, who believe that their vaginas and the color of their skin entitles them to certain social privileges that would not otherwise be available to "non-special" people), a clearly flustered woman shouted. Hatch laughed and waved goodbye as his security detail tells the women to back up or risk getting arrested. :thumbsup:
IMO, no one is entitled to special treatment. And I have no respect and no use for people who think that belonging to a particular demographic group entitles them to special treatment. I don't care if you're a White male, a Black female, a short Jew or a tall Muslim. I don't care if you're gay or straight. In this republic, there should be one (and only one) rule of law and it should apply to everyone equally. Where that doesn't happen, we should all work to correct it. But it shouldn't be a case of, "All animals are equal. but some are more equal." There should be none of this "believe women". Why would we believe someone's story just because of their gender? I mean, isn't that how things used to work in the Jim Crow south? So these members of the radical feminist and extremist homosexual rights movements are saying that Jackie Coakley, and a myriad of other "cry rape" liars, should have been believed? Well, I guess these people will soon march around the country, screeching and howling, as they tear down monuments and statues of Martin Luther King, Jr. (#MeToo would have a field day with him these days) and Thurgood Marshall (made his initial legal reputation defending Black men wrongly accused of raping White women).
Donald Trump wasn't my choice for President - neither was Hillary. But he doesn't scare me half as much as some of these unhinged, biased people on the left, who seem to hold true to Che Guevara's "the end justifies the means" motto. They seem to believe in mob rule and mob justice that is hardly blind.