The Science of Why No One Agrees on the Color of This Dress


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's neat, but I wonder why people treat this as the first optical illusion the world has ever discovered. There are hundreds of good examples on the Internet that show you how your brain can trick you or try to fill in the blanks with vision in various ways. About the only difference with this is that there isn't a good way for the observer of the photo to know the actual ambient lighting the dress is in so everybody's brain goes with an assumed surrounding light level when they look at it and it adjust from there. Go put a black cloth under a really powerful light. There will be a good chance it will look shiny. If the light is yellow like an incandescent bulb or the sun the bright part could very well look golden. Look at something white in dim light, and without reference to the surrounding dimness it going to look really grey or maybe even bluish depending on what the light still around it is coming from.
in 1st pic, it is white and 2nd, white(with little blue) and gold.And in 3rd, blue and black.

anyone seeing blue and black in all 3 need to get their eyes checked.

someone changed the color of the original dress or it happened due to sunlight or whatever,which was blue and black,and trolled the whole internet.


Seriously, how has this made the national news?! With all the shit going on in this world at the moment the news agencies should be ashamed of themselves. :brick:
Agreed :picardfacepalm: