When I said I get along with them, I didn't mean it like that. :1orglaugh
Nah, I'm majoring in radio. Last semester I got lucky and had this awesome chick in my class (and in my group on top of that) and we hit it off pretty well. Unfortunately for me, she was not a radio major and already had a boyfriend. She also seemed a bit stuck up after I got to know her.
Did you meet girls in the cafeteria and computer labs?
Would you do it?
Oh, Lord, computer labs were always a winner, especially when I transferred to my university (much bigger school - HOTTER chicks everywhere). I had to break my neck around every damn corner.
Actually, the first class I ever took at the previous college (100 level Music Appreciation) I met my girlfriend of nearly five years. She actually approached me after the first day of class. Actually, it was my first day of college, period. We were both leaving to the lot to our cars and she turned around and asked me what I thought (about the professor), and the next week I just pretty much started talking to her and that was it. We studied together that whole semester and I fucked her for the first time and the rest was history. I later found out that she said I was "hot" from the first class when she saw me.
Anyway, chick is gone now. Almost married, but I wanted to run a few more laps,
nah'I'msayin'? I posted a pic of her on the one thread after she and I split but some mod deleted it. It wasn't even of her face, just her in a thong laying down. Whatever.
Point is, hang in the fucking library or computer labs. There were always hot ass chicks pulling right up to the computer next to me. It's real easy to initiate convo in that situation because of course you are a student (not a fucking psycho on the street) and if you stay pimped the fuck out in some American Eagle or Aero and you stay lookin' proper, your chances go up tenfold. Don't go up in your university looking like some scuzball hippy. I used to spend all day in the library because the campus was so nice and it was only a few miles from where I was living. It was real proper. Stay up at that bitch til midnight on weekends and just do your work, mingle with bunnies.