The Republican Window to Winning The White House

There are 19 states that have voted democrat that total 240 electoral votes for the last 20 years and are more blue today than they have ever been. There are another 8 that are right on the cusp of becoming blue states. So the window for the republicans is so narrow that they might have to get jesus to come back to win. Considering that the only popular vote the right has won since 1988 was in 2004 that should speak volumes to them and their strategies, but somehow they ignore it. The plow on with the same tired message, offending more and more people as they go. They now are turning more right I guess because the middle is no longer an option after 5 1/2 million people more people voted for a black guy over their sure-thing candidate Mitt Romney. Good luck with that.

We have a socialist running that is getting huge support and more every day.

We have more americans wanting weed to be legal and have no problem with gays having equal rights. They see and hear the republicans bitching endlessly about things that they don't agree with and while many republican citizens aren't loony, for some reason their politicians are because they have to appeal to the religious right to get the support. Americans also are on the side of science with climate change yet they see and hear the republicans denying it and wanting to do more to risk the environment.

People are getting turned off to the republican party even though a lot of them agree with the foundation of the party and want to believe the GOP and actually be what that G stands for again.

So while there are many red states still stinking up this country they are falling faster than the ice is melting in greenland. 2016 might be the last hurrah for the GOP as we know it.
The debate was a pretty clear message of what the right wants to hear about, god, planned parenthood, war. No mention of climate change, no mention of income inequality and not much mention on the economy at all. They all bragged how they lowered corporate taxes and how they helped businesses and only Christie was accurate on his claims of his accomplishments even though he was very wrong on some others. Kasich Walker and Bush were outright dishonest on their claims according to factcheck.
The debate was a pretty clear message of what the right wants to hear about, god, planned parenthood, war. No mention of climate change, no mention of income inequality and not much mention on the economy at all. They all bragged how they lowered corporate taxes and how they helped businesses and only Christie was accurate on his claims of his accomplishments even though he was very wrong on some others. Kasich Walker and Bush were outright dishonest on their claims according to factcheck.

You know, that was Bernie's press release.

You got rid of your Trump quote? tsk tsk Everyone is talking about what wasn't discussed. I thought of it while I was watching it. I kept waiting to hear more about things other than god. I did think that they did a good job with the questions though. they didnt take it easy on them but I do think that they set them up to talk about god and abortion a little too much.

and wtf happened to Megan Kelly? Has she been taking cues from Nancy Grace or something? I watched her for the first time in a while last night and her over-dramatic style was ridiculous. She used to be good with interviews. She's another loony one but she was at least good at some portions but now she's overdoing it ala Nancy Grace who is impossible to watch.
My settings show it is still there. And I have show signatures checked, so I don't know what is going on.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Now its back. maybe Anonymous hacked the forum!!!!!!!!!!

It's even worse, for me, in post #5, it is gone, and as I scroll down, in post #7, it is there!!!

Boogieman, Boogieman, Boogieman!!!!

Something came in through the republican window alright, but it started fucking around with BC's signature... Enemies of the heir beware!
Sorry but even the republican pundits say that a national election for the republicans is going to be very tough. Florida is growing more purple to the point of nearly blue because the majority of the state is now in the lower half which is always more blue. Nothings for sure but there are 19 states that have gone blue for 20 years straight and more blue than ever which make up 240 electoral votes alone. With 8 more that are on the verge of being solid blue. Then you have florida and ohio which are purple states. Gonna be tough for the repubs
There are 19 states that have voted democrat that total 240 electoral votes for the last 20 years and are more blue today than they have ever been. There are another 8 that are right on the cusp of becoming blue states. So the window for the republicans is so narrow that they might have to get jesus to come back to win. Considering that the only popular vote the right has won since 1988 was in 2004 that should speak volumes to them and their strategies, but somehow they ignore it. The plow on with the same tired message, offending more and more people as they go. They now are turning more right I guess because the middle is no longer an option after 5 1/2 million people more people voted for a black guy over their sure-thing candidate Mitt Romney. Good luck with that.

We have a socialist running that is getting huge support and more every day.

We have more americans wanting weed to be legal and have no problem with gays having equal rights. They see and hear the republicans bitching endlessly about things that they don't agree with and while many republican citizens aren't loony, for some reason their politicians are because they have to appeal to the religious right to get the support. Americans also are on the side of science with climate change yet they see and hear the republicans denying it and wanting to do more to risk the environment.

People are getting turned off to the republican party even though a lot of them agree with the foundation of the party and want to believe the GOP and actually be what that G stands for again.

So while there are many red states still stinking up this country they are falling faster than the ice is melting in greenland. 2016 might be the last hurrah for the GOP as we know it.

:rofl2: :rofl2:
the states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan will go back blue if trump does not improve there lives.
I bet the flint water pipes will be changed quiclkly b4 the mid terms
Sorry but even the republican pundits say that a national election for the republicans is going to be very tough. Florida is growing more purple to the point of nearly blue because the majority of the state is now in the lower half which is always more blue. Nothings for sure but there are 19 states that have gone blue for 20 years straight and more blue than ever which make up 240 electoral votes alone. With 8 more that are on the verge of being solid blue. Then you have florida and ohio which are purple states. Gonna be tough for the repubs
