>>>The Republican Party Is The Problem


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I thought employment was up around the world? Or at least in the US/Canada where business has been up ever since the economy opened up?
You think correctly. Employment is up; unemployment is down to pre-pandemic levels (i.e., when Trump was in office). Yet, the American electorate is being fed a narrative about how 'bad' it is.


U.S. Supreme Court poised to give companies new power to sue over strikes - Oct 20, 2022

If that passes, then republicans may try to make unions illegal, repeal child labor laws, and make workers the property of the companies they work for.
Rich ahole republicans and their cronies want to bring back the good ole days of unregulated capitalism.

The sweaty perverts at the Freeones Message Board Store of Pornography are in serious campaign mode perspiring bucketloads of perspiration. Here's my contribution to the morning cartoons for my liberal friends...


"He's gonna put y'all back in chains..."


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
What is there to worry about? Who needs OSHA when Jeff Bezos will protect workers. @Luxman uses memes to illustrate it, but the history is quite solid. I’d provide a reading list, but Wiki has a nice summary: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_worker_deaths_in_United_States_labor_disputes

We are heading back to the 19th century. After 100 years of progress we have forgotten the lessons of the Gilded Age.

Let us ignore history and let the free market ride.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The sweaty perverts at the Freeones Message Board Store of Pornography are in serious campaign mode perspiring bucketloads of perspiration. Here's my contribution to the morning cartoons for my liberal friends...
At least gas prices will go down; crime will abate; inflation will go away; and the border will be secure next year after the Republicans sweep the elections. I for one cannot wait.
At least gas prices will go down; crime will abate; inflation will go away; and the border will be secure next year after the Republicans sweep the elections. I for one cannot wait.
One can't even hope for that as a silver lining considering the political party in charge has very little to do with gas prices, red states have the worst violent crime rates, inflation will never go away and Republicans will do everything in their power to make sure wages don't go up for the common people to ever counteract it, and thinking the border could ever be realistically "secure" is a fools errand akin to trying to stop pouring water with a window screen.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
One can't even hope for that as a silver lining considering the political party in charge has very little to do with gas prices, red states have the worst violent crime rates, inflation will never go away and Republicans will do everything in their power to make sure wages don't go up for the common people to ever counteract it, and thinking the border could ever be realistically "secure" is a fools errand akin to trying to stop pouring water with a window screen.
Damn, I neglected to use the sarcasm alert AGAIN. :brick:

But, if you follow the narrative that is exactly what they are promising.
Damn, I neglected to use the sarcasm alert AGAIN. :brick:

But, if you follow the narrative that is exactly what they are promising.
I took that as sarcasm, but my statement was more of something general along the lines of what you said and not really as a direct response to it. Looking back I admit it doesn't read like that though. My point is that even in the best case scenario with Republicans there is no real silver lining.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I voted a straight Democratic ticket in my little Red Ocean here in East Texas, where we're already governed by Republican asshats. Did my part, and I'll hope for the best.











Oil cartels purposely raised gas prices to influence the mid-term elections against democrats.
The Republican party aka the Trump party has been corrupted so much by mafia ahole Trump that now the Republican party is literally a criminal organization bent on destroying American democracy and creating a nationalist Nazi-like totalitarian government in America with fake elections. Hopefully enough people will vote democrat and prevent the Trump disease from infesting and controlling the government and turning America into a mafia controlled shithole like Russia has become under the rule of mafia ahole Putin.

New Rule: Democracy's Deathbed | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - Nov 4, 2022
Along the lines of the Marth's Vineyard stunt, NYC is now feeling the crunch:

I feel like can understand why states like TX/FL, who take the brunt of many of these migrants lean GOP. Drump's immigration policies were draconian, but joe isn't doing any favors by not offering practical alternatives. To me, it's like the GOP criticizing Obamacare, but not having any feasible plan of their own.
Along the lines of the Marth's Vineyard stunt, NYC is now feeling the crunch:

I feel like can understand why states like TX/FL, who take the brunt of many of these migrants lean GOP. Drump's immigration policies were draconian, but joe isn't doing any favors by not offering practical alternatives. To me, it's like the GOP criticizing Obamacare, but not having any feasible plan of their own.
Biden kept most of Trump's immigration policies.

Not to mention illegal immigration is way down the list of problems this country has, and most of the people that complain about it are also the people that advocate or at least vote for the people that give massive tax breaks for the rich and large corporations, or want ludicrous amounts of military spending. The "we don't have enough resources" argument doesn't seem to have any credulity coming from them. They will also be the first to bitch if they have have to pay more for food because virtual semi-slave labor is no longer allowed to pick it.



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