>>>The Republican Party Is The Problem


By trustworthy do you mean comforting and validating your already pre-conceived opinions? I asked you for objectivity and you offered biased reporting. Try again.
Give us an example of a news source that you believe is trustworthy.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
By trustworthy do you mean comforting and validating your already pre-conceived opinions? I asked you for objectivity and you offered biased reporting. Try again.

Go to The Lincoln Project youtube channel. They aren't biased. Trump and the MAGAs are like weeds / poison ivy killing the garden. They need to be pulled up and those weeds need to be thrown out in the garbage. You can't burn poison ivy. It contaminates the air we breathe.

They even gave him a birthday present ...

Go to The Lincoln Project youtube channel. They aren't biased. Trump and the MAGAs are like weeds / poison ivy killing the garden. They need to be pulled up and those weeds need to be thrown out in the garbage. You can't burn poison ivy. It contaminates the air we breathe.

They even gave him a birthday present ...

If the raw footage was unbiased then who was the post-production guy who added all the bells and whistles in the tank for?


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
If the raw footage was unbiased then who was the post-production guy who added all the bells and whistles in the tank for?
I like the Family Feud thingie. That Town Hall was a joke. How much money did Trump take in off that? I'd say a few million. He continues to lie to the American people. Use the grift and the con. Have you looked up the latest value of those Trump NFTs? Literally worthless. He needs to go away. Go away fast.


I can’t either. Neither could you. That was my point. Be skeptical of all and don’t drink anybody’s Kool-Aid.
So where do you get your news from?
I like the Family Feud thingie. That Town Hall was a joke. How much money did Trump take in off that? I'd say a few million. He continues to lie to the American people. Use the grift and the con. Have you looked up the latest value of those Trump NFTs? Literally worthless. He needs to go away. Go away fast.

No argument about Trump. The question I asked Lux was this...

What are some trusted information sources that you would recommend for people looking for responsible objective reporting?

Nowhere did I mention Trump in my question. Aside from Lux's obsession there are other news stories than about a past President.
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Deception, misdirection, and confusion are often used as tools by dishonest aholes seeking to gain power or influence, as they can be effective in obscuring the truth and manipulating public opinion.

I get my news from anti-Trump sources like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and others because I know they don't outright lie and report mostly objective news.
In contrast to Fox Fake News, which was sued and fined $700 million for lying, because of their pro-Trump lying host ahole *ucker Carlson, who was fired for disseminating fake information for ratings, but was actually sacked for the $700 million loss.
Deception, misdirection, and confusion are often used as tools by dishonest aholes seeking to gain power or influence, as they can be effective in obscuring the truth and manipulating public opinion.

I get my news from anti-Trump sources like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and others because I know they don't outright lie and report mostly objective news.
In contrast to Fox Fake News, which was sued and fined $700 million for lying, because of their pro-Trump lying host ahole *ucker Carlson, who was fired for disseminating fake information for ratings, but was actually sacked for the $700 million loss.

Lux, if a source is anti-anything it is no longer objective. Your platitudes mean nothing and tend to contradict themselves.
By trustworthy do you mean comforting and validating your already pre-conceived opinions? I asked you for objectivity and you offered biased reporting. Try again.
Perfect example of an echo chamber.

"Everyone that agrees with me is smart and a legit source of information, while everyone who disagrees with me is dumb and full of shit".
Nowhere in particular. I mainly read the more mainstream sources then try to average out the bullshit from both sides.
This is a good approach. Even with each source, there are differing opinions between reporters, editors, etc. So even if a source is "generally" neutral, an individual story can easily be tainted.

I would say it's worth getting a sampling of different sources, even some that are clearly biased.

Even if 99% of the stories from a biased source are BS, sometimes there is one that has a legit point. And it's worth seeing how the other sources deal with it.


Lux, if a source is anti-anything it is no longer objective. Your platitudes mean nothing and tend to contradict themselves.
If a source is anti-lying, then it is objective.
Perfect example of an echo chamber.

"Everyone that agrees with me is smart and a legit source of information, while everyone who disagrees with me is dumb and full of shit".

I mentioned the other day about people being tribal with their politics. People break off into herds never leaving their corral not realizing that the stronger they support a politician the more they are that politician's livestock. Even if you think your political party is right 90% of the time how do you account for, look away from, and try to sweep under the rug the other 10%?
I have a friend I talk to on the phone about once a week. Super smart guy that talks way over my head but is also crazier than a deranged hobo that just got set on fire. Either the brilliance in his insanity or the insanity in his brilliance entertains me while I enjoy my coffee. The crazier he gets the more I pretend to agree with him just to see how far he will go. After the call I tell my wife about the conversation which usually gives us about 30 minutes of laughter.


I made my point clearly without any cryptic rhetoric.






