>>>The Republican Party Is The Problem


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
If somebody came to my door with their hand out they'd be lucky to get those accommodations. Not willing to be a sucker is so racist though.
That was so nice of Ron to fly them though. Imagine being on the border and then getting flown to MV. Not a bad deal.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Exactly. After that long walk from Venezuela, the flight must have been a welcome change. I am glad Florida has the cash to do this. Flying them back to their home country would make more sense though.

Florida’s pay for teachers is in the bottom 10. Yet they can fly migrants to vacation spots. Nice!
This is kinda hard to debate too. When you don't discourage enough, you encourage. All about future voting demographics. Any life created within our borders is a citizen and eligible to vote at 18. The Democrat plan ensures a lock on power in one generation as they assume they get a high majority of those future votes.

“States like Massachusetts, New York and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden administration’s open border policies,” DeSantis’s communications director, Taryn Fenske, told the outlet.
Exactly. After that long walk from Venezuela, the flight must have been a welcome change. I am glad Florida has the cash to do this. Flying them back to their home country would make more sense though.

Florida’s pay for teachers is in the bottom 10. Yet they can fly migrants to vacation spots. Nice!

Hopefully after their long walk to America they can find a homeless US citizen to wipe their feet off on.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
This is kinda hard to debate too. When you don't discourage enough, you encourage. All about future voting demographics. Any life created within our borders is a citizen and eligible to vote at 18. The Democrat plan ensures a lock on power in one generation as they assume they get a high majority of those future votes.
That explains why Texas and Florida are so Democratic.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
It’s a good strategy if you can hold them down keeping them poor and illiterate and think learning English isn’t necessary. That way you keep them dependent.
How did DeSantis help them?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
He chose to help Floridians instead, the people he was voted to serve. I bet many are pleased too.
By transporting migrants in Texas? How does that help the retirees?

Would you be okay with Newsom flying the migrants to Martha's Vineyard? How about Boca? Hilton Head? Aspen?
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Would you be okay with Newsom flying the migrants to Martha's Vineyard? How about Boca? Hilton Head? Aspen?

If we had a secure border we wouldn't be dealing with this. But since there is no interest in securing the border and illegals flood in ship those illegals off to the bleeding heart Governors so they can feed off the plasma of their constituency. Any Governor stupid enough to offer sanctuary to illegal aliens should have their desire put to the test. Our elected Game Show Host as well.

Coming back to this...

I'm from LA and grew up going to Catholic School. Worked in restaurants. Lived in Texas too. I know a few more Latins than others do because I live here. My experience is there are many variations. I have met some more Liberal ones and have also met Latins that were so far to the right I'd have to calm them down. I've even met Mexican Rednecks. There are a number of Latins that are drifting to the right politically. Yes. Seems those are more the ones who have been here for a few generations though. This is just my honest observation.

Me and my wife had dinner with a Latin couple the other night. Super nice people. Dude assumes because I voted for Trump that I would dive on a live grenade for him. He colors him as a victim with the FBI raid. I responded that I don't know enough but let the chips fall where they may. His mouth stayed opened long enough for flies to have an orgy in there. Nice guy but a bit of a sap. You should have seen his face the time I told him I wasn't Baptized.
There are a number of Latins that are drifting to the right politically. Yes. Seems those are more the ones who have been here for a few generations though. This is just my honest observation.

It's been reported that many Mexican-Americans favor the "tough on Illegal Aliens" GOP policy, because many of them did come in legally and got their US status through the proper procedures. So they don't like the fact that there are these people who are "cheating" the system.
So they don't like the fact that there are these people who are "cheating" the system.

How many people enjoy respectfully going through a long process, stand and wait in line, pay money, possibly have to hire a lawyer only for someone else who feels entitled to disrespect and wipe their ass with the law and put their hand out as soon as they get both feet on our soil?