They claim that they are nymphos but still say no to me which makes me question their validity in being said nympho.

The problem is I don't know enough of them!!!!:nanner:
The problem with female nymphomaniacs is there are not enough of them.
They just want to fuck you to death.... they keep trying to murder me. :dunno:
... they keep trying to murder me. :dunno:
Re: The problem with female nymphomaniacs is
[B][URL=" said:Friday[/URL][/B] on my mind, post: 3817089, member: 44516"]The problem is I don't know enough of them!!!!:nanner:
Isn't nymphomaniac just sugarcoated term for slut anyways? :dunno:
gaping vaginas
They can't commit, diseases, they are used and worn out.
They will die alone or they will marry someone who isn't a real man.
This is the first time I've ever agreed with anything you've ever said. It looks like I'm coming around after all.