Of course I believe it.
He has no control what these people do. Its the military industrial complex backed by the central banks.
Even Ike couldn't do a thingg about it 50 years ago.
He's a new prez who's new to politics. These people have been at this for years.
What people need to understand is that now the entire government is 100% corrupt.
The pentagon, the cia, the nsa, dhs, they do what they want when they want and they follow no law.......who's gonna stop them?
Any honest and not bought and paid for politicians were weeded out decades ago. And now they control the media too.
One man can't just go in and change that in a few months, if ever.
I think Trump found that out in the 1st few weeks.
Add to that what would happen if the US GOV just completely stopped interfering with, bombing and attacking countries who don't obey us, actually obey our owners?
Completely stopped. Withdrew all troops and brought them all back to American soil.
The bubble would burst, they'd crash it right away and what would come next would make the Great Depression look like a party at Gatsby's.
That, I'm sure Trump knows.
So he's fucked and so are we.