The pornstar with hidden talents...

Special talents

An intriguing moment in a movie is when an actress reveals other talents or expertise. For example, abilities in sport, playing a musical instrument, linguistic skills, dancing etc.

Does anyone recall other movies where a pornstar demonstrates other talents?

In “Reality Porn Series 2,” between sex scenes “Kirsty”aka Romana Kunova displays remarkable football skills, suggesting a professional level of ability.
As does Dunia Montenegro (“Ronaldinha”to her co-stars) in the Roberto Valtuena’s “movie “The Resolution” in the making of/behind the scenes sequence.

Imagine how much more watchable (and lucrative) recent Euro womens’ football titles from Private/Dorcel) would have been had they been cast around those two.

Other examples: there is a memorable moment in an early John Thompson/GGG title where a performer (“Alessia”?) demonstrates her ballet ability, in the nude.

Claudia Rossi has shown she is a capable horsewoman.
Izabella in True Anal Stories 20 first appears doing a gymnastics’ warm up.
Melissa Black once spoke of spending years doing ballet.
Angelica (Outnumbered 1) shows overwhelming basketball prowess, also in True Anal Stories 20.

Viewers’ attention is captured by a character/performer with distinctive qualities.
Something producers/directors wanting to rise above the merely routine might consider more in casting…
Shy Love graduated from high school at age 16 and then earned a bachelor's degree and two masters degrees. She is also a certified public accountant.
I forget the name of the film but there's a Nicole Ray cheerleader flick where she demonstrates very good baton twirling skills.

Shy Love graduated from high school at age 16 and then earned a bachelor's degree and two masters degrees. She is also a certified public accountant.

If we're counting being brainy as a talent then Aria Giovanni graduated high school at 16 then paid for college by waitressing and tutoring people in science and mathematics. She majored in biochemistry but gave up college when she became a successful model as she didn't have time to do both and figured she could go back to college once her looks faded.
Both Asia Carrera and Mimi Miyagi are child prodigy classical pianists. Asia Carrera is a member of MENSA. Mimi Miyagi knows some Kali, a Filipino stick fighting martial art.

The GGG movie referred is Sperma Ballerina and it is rumored that Alesia was a semi-professional ballerina that did porn in Munich to help her family.
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Mid 80''s adult star Sharon Kane displayed singing and rythm guitar playing talent in the film Bitches of Westwood.

Great thread. Wish we could keep it going.
The lovely India apparently got out of the Biz in 2005. Was a singer in the R&B group H.I (Harmony Innocents) signed on by Quality Records record label. Apparently was originally trained as a dancer before she got into stripping and then eventually the adult film biz. Supposedly has been in various music vids of various major "artists" like Madonna, M.J Blige, Snoop Dog and others.

Bu my absolute favorite talent of India isn't the singing or the's those HUGE MEATY PUSSY LIPS! LOL.

OK that's not a talent, but in my book, it's the most notable thing about her besides her gorgeous eyes and lips, petite frame, and sweet speaking voice.

You can read more about her here...

Apparently she owns Black Widow Music Group or is at least signed on as a solo artist with them.

If you like that sort of music, you can listen here...

And here's a great pic of her wonderful meat flower...
