The Politics of the Miss Freeones Contest

Since most voters have probably never even visited the forum they couldn´t possibly know who the best OSCM is so in that category should only forum members be allowed to vote.
We're saying some of the same things. However, I think you'd have to make the voting criteria a little stronger than just board member as that would have the same flaw as merely being an OCSM who's posted. Since even a board member could not post here enough to vote credibly.:2 cents:
In my world is the best OSCM someone who actually have a brain and an opinion in real subjects and not someone who is just here to promote herself and only posts in threads about herself.

I think most people would agree that any Miss FOs category prize should go to the girl who has the best association to the crown and category they hope to win.

So I suppose according to the thread...maybe the voting bloc next time around would be limited in the Best OCSM to members of the board with a certain level of activity..maybe even make the rep accrued here actually stand for something.:dunno:

I've even suggested some status levels afforded to OCSMs who are more active here...and maybe that might allow FOs to handicap the next contest in favor of defaulting them some number of automatic votes ahead of those who are less active or something.

There are ways to make it more competitive and consistent and still have FOs accomplish their goals in having the contest.

I know F Wallaby...I will repost this in the politics of MFOs contest or something too.