The Police at their VERY BEST.

I've had several dozen encounters with police officers, 3 of which were awful. The rest were kind, courteous and simply doing their jobs. Not every cop is out to get you. What are you, a 15 year old stoner carrying a qp and an unlicensed gat?

Read on for more info:

A Police Officer with a 25-years service has been jailed for six months.

And Brian Carswell's flawless career lies in tatters after he was convicted of assaulting a 16-year old cafe worker. His victim left the Sheriff Court smirking as 48 year-old Carswell was led down stairs to begin his sentence.

David Shields was taken to the police station to be questioned about money which had gone missing from the cafe he worked in. But Carswell assaulted the youngster before grabbing his moible and deleting a recording of the attack.

During the trial, Sheriff Cunninghame was told that despite no money being found on him at a search in O'Briens Sandwich Bar, David Shields agreed to go with Carswell to the police station. While the two were alone, David claimed that Carswell flew at him. He went on to grab his clothes and pin him against a wall. He said that he was seized by the throat and that Carswell tried to take his mobile phone from him.

The Court heard that when three other officers came to the interview room they found David with marks on his throat, crying and distressed. Carswell said that he was restraining David because he feared he had a knife in his hand.

Carswell was found guilty of two charges of assault and a charge of attempting to defeat the ends of justice by taking Davids mobile phone with the intention of deleting incriminating evidence. Carswell's defence lawyer told the court that Carswell had sacrificed a meal break to deal with the call and that he was in a provocative situation.

The lawyer added that Carswell will be asked to resign or be discharged from the police force.

Sheriff Cunninghame said that the matter was so serious she could see no alternative to custody.

The fascist pig gets what was long over due. I hope he drops the soap while in there HAHA. It is nice to see the scum get fucked, just like they are good at trying to fuck over anyone that is smarter than they are or anyone that puts them in their place if they open their mouth without thinking first. Just because they wear a uniform, that does not give them right of passage in every situation. Fuck them and those that think like that.

Fuck the Po-leese :thefinger


Closed Account
Damnnn. While I think the man should have been fired I don't know about six (6) months in jail?

I guess this municipality wants to show they are serious about Police abuse & they know the smaller percetage who do this stuff hurt the rest of the Cops who do their job professionally.