The Official 2010 E3 Thread

I just watched the demo on youtube. Looks pretty sweet.
I've been worried about that since the first project was announced. But then again, that's more of a general technology fault at this point, not one specific to Microsoft. Also, I'm wondering why Microsoft didn't push that Milo demo out during E3, seems really bizarre to me.

They wanted to show how cute Skittles looked. Come here Skittles, come here Skittles.:violent::fight:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I just watched the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, it looks great.
It looks really good so far, and especially considering I put this game on the back burner, this has me excited for it again.

Whats that new tech in there Shayd? You see that shit, the animations, they look like digitized......pretty amazing.


Can't wait to get my hands on Castlevania:Lord of Shadows and God of War: Ghost of Sparta.

I didnt see but was Metal Gear Rising there and is Vanquish 360 exclusive cause it looked awesome?
Whats that new tech in there Shayd? You see that shit, the animations, they look like digitized......pretty amazing.

From everything I've gathered, most of the work on the game engine has been environmental, but it looks really freaking good.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Rage won IGN's Best Game of E3 award. This is the first I've heard of it.
Looking sweet. Sessler and company sure were getting excited. Especially with the rc car bomb.

LOL did you see that? Sessler practically jumped out of his seat. He's cool, like a kid in a candy store around games too....

Even though Rage seems a lot like Borderlands (this isn't necessarily a bad thing), Rage is giving me a rager

Similar as far as enviroment designs but apples to oranges comparison to how the game looks and moves....

Rage won IGN's Best Game of E3 award. This is the first I've heard of it.

......For good reason too.

I missed the footage of Rage but I vaguely remember reading about it. Isn't it supposed to be 1 disc on PS3 and multiple discs on XBOX 360?

Red Dead Redemption is amazing and not only am I excited for another SAW game but I cannot wait for Dead Rising 2. FYI, Dead Rising 2: Case Zero (midway story between the 2 games) will be up for dowload at the end of this month.
I can't wait to take part in the TERROR IS REALITY events.