As far as Rick Perry's "secession talk"...that was little more than pandering to the lunatic fringe in Texas and beyond. He wasn't serious. So, if you like I guy who will do or say anything to pander to the fringe...then Rick is your man.
As far as 3rd party candidates go...they have the deck stacked against them because the Republicans and Democrats both need each other and have a vested interest in maintaining the 2 party system. Better the devil you know is how they look at it. If by some fluke (and it would have to be a fluke), a 3rd party candidate would win the White House...he would have absolutely no support in Congress to get anything done. The Republicans and Democrats would team up to see that nothing on his agenda would get passed and nothing would get done so that he is a one-term President and either the Republicans or Democrats would take it back for the 2-party system in the next election. It's a sad but true fact. A 3rd party candidate for president, in the end, is a losing proposition...the game is simply rigged in the 2-party system's favor!