The Muslim Agenda - Full Documentary - Banned in some countries


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I'll have a watch!

So 1980ies. Try a Rolex

I wonder if that channel would make another film, with all the horrific things christianity has brung us, inquisition, the several raids over muslim countries, suppresion for centuries, christian terrorists (Yeah, those who are pioctured as "disturbed, single cases in the news), etc.

But given the nature of that group, THAT would NEVER happen.

Djee, makes you think if they have an agenda... ;)
I wonder if that channel would make another film, with all the horrific things christianity has brung us, inquisition, the several raids over muslim countries, suppresion for centuries, christian terrorists (Yeah, those who are pioctured as "disturbed, single cases in the news), etc.

But given the nature of that group, THAT would NEVER happen.
"Brung" is generally considered a no-no by grammarists and grammarians.

Your concern over all things political should be put on the back burner until you get a handle on language.