the more popular genre in porn right now...Teen or Milf ???

the more popular genre in porn at the moment

  • Teen porn is the most popular at the moment

    Votes: 14 25.5%
  • Milf porn is the most popular at the moment

    Votes: 41 74.5%

  • Total voters

Will E Worm

Teens, the younger the better. :D

I've never known a teen to need vaginal lube because they are dry. :tongue:
I'd say teens, because there are more 'teen' pornstars, they are featured more often in vids & picture sets & they're discussed more often on message board (it depends on the message board you visit of course...)
Wow, sorry. I didn't realize it was a big deal. I'll go get my serious face now. I apologize for skewing the results of your extremely scientific poll. I'll be searching for bridges to throw myself off...

Nice,having a bad day??? Apprarently it does seem extrmemely scientific,for you. I hope you dont live by water.......:hatsoff:
I have to vote MILF because of the defination by age not necessarily actual status. Many of the models starting to move into HC would be put into the MILF category so it seems to be a great marketing tool. Teens will always be popular though.
I have to vote MILF because of the defination by age not necessarily actual status. Many of the models starting to move into HC would be put into the MILF category so it seems to be a great marketing tool. Teens will always be popular though.

Agreed. The window for teen porn is only 2 years if the studio wanted to be "true" to the genre,for lack of a better way to put it. 18 or 19 and thats it. I guess any 21-30 yr. old that happens to look very young for their age can be put in the teenage girls bedroom setting w/ the cheerleader outfit and call it teen porn.

Ive seen sites calling some Rachel Roxxx scenes MILF???? I know technically she can be one but she doesnt have a MILF look to her. To me watching MILF scenes you need the 30-40 yr old looking busty mom,that pulls up in the van wearing everyday mature woman clothes.

Rachel Roxx is a straight up Rocker chick extreme hottie.:banger::banana::banger:


Teen porn? Pfffft, what is this, the 90's?
definitely MILF.

Although I think that's just encompassed in a general trend today towards the more voluptuous, big breasted, big booty starlet. :D