Packed up the hairless cats for Saint, but kept one for himself.
jod0565 Member, you member... Aug 25, 2005 #8,001 Packed up the hairless cats for Saint, but kept one for himself.
saint Aug 25, 2005 #8,002 Thanked Jod for providing the box and mood music for saint's hairless cats and provoked a duel with jigga for the one with the pretty eyes. Commanduc, get the gun and start the bikes!
Thanked Jod for providing the box and mood music for saint's hairless cats and provoked a duel with jigga for the one with the pretty eyes. Commanduc, get the gun and start the bikes!
jod0565 Member, you member... Aug 25, 2005 #8,003 Thinks cats and bikes are cool or is that pussy on a bike.
Jiggah33 Aug 25, 2005 #8,006 has a hairy cat, and a bald dog, in hopes that D-rock won't go near them
M member987 Closed Account Aug 26, 2005 #8,008 Prefers bald "cats" :thumbsup: (here pussy, pussy) Last edited: Aug 26, 2005
A Anonymous2 Aug 27, 2005 #8,016 Actually rented that movie starring pitino and comanduc - and liked it!
jod0565 Member, you member... Aug 27, 2005 #8,019 Bought the copy on ebay and seeing it tonight - will write a full review tomorrow.
pitino are you talking to me? Aug 27, 2005 #8,020 will make a backup copy of the movie for some of his friends....just in case it's sold out!