The Member Above Me....

Was once a mailman but had to quit when the dogs keep trying to bury him in their backyards.

There finally got that one off in time without getting beaten to the post. hehe


Member, you member...
Knows when to say when, like if KittyKat says "Time for some homemade lovin!"

The Grim Repper - Nice D-rock
Has gone completely insane from watching WAY TOO MANY Happy Days re-runs! LOL

jod0565 said:
Knows when to say when, like if KittyKat says "Time for some homemade lovin!"
YOU KNOW IT BUD!:thumbsup:
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Member, you member...
Is remebering the good ol' days!

Actually, he still has a crush on Joanie and Mrs. Cunningham.


Member, you member...
Hey, The Fonz had a thing for her too, there, bud. lol

Wants Three's Company to return so he can make it Four's A Crowd!