has typed a lot the past years! ;)
Montrealman May 9, 2006 #13,142 Has just voted NO to piti . Anyone ? :dunno: Tough crowd here tonight, um.... Ah forget it.:1orglaugh
Has just voted NO to piti . Anyone ? :dunno: Tough crowd here tonight, um.... Ah forget it.:1orglaugh
Montrealman May 9, 2006 #13,144 Is singing " I was Made For Editing Baby...." to the tune of I was made for loving you by KISS. Ok ok.
Is singing " I was Made For Editing Baby...." to the tune of I was made for loving you by KISS. Ok ok.
D D-rock May 9, 2006 #13,159 He is called the man form Montreal and he likes to prove that he can out do the man form Nantucket.