The Member Above Me....

is jumping for joy with the 3-1 win over aston villa


Member, you member...
Used to play the air flute, but found he was the only one showing up at the competitions. lol
:helpme: Just got paid by poggy to beat me up with his nunchucks....while grandmaster pogs stomps my face in with his very pointy kleats!!!


Would get his fist bashed repeatedly by my nose, mouth, and teeth followed by crudhing blows to his knee by my groin and chin and finished off by stinging slaps to his foot by my jaw and temple if he ever challenged me to a fight.
Dixie Normus said:
Would get his fist bashed repeatedly by my nose, mouth, and teeth followed by crudhing blows to his knee by my groin and chin and finished off by stinging slaps to his foot by my jaw and temple if he ever challenged me to a fight.

Sorry...I originally took that as a threat....

My apologies....very funny...LOL

As for the poster above me:

Has forgiven me and offered me cookies and milk!!!

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