Would like ( DrD) to nail Michelle lolllll
M member2686 Banned Apr 29, 2006 #12,562 Wants to hook up with michelle akemi from the board and make a video of it. lol
Q qweretyuiopas@ Banned Apr 29, 2006 #12,567 Has a sweet sig and will def be nominated for sotw he will take the crown from me http://img16.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc130&image=69133_catcrown.JPG
Has a sweet sig and will def be nominated for sotw he will take the crown from me http://img16.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc130&image=69133_catcrown.JPG
KungFuDude Apr 29, 2006 #12,568 ...carries around a lot of breath mints with him. Gotta get rid of that Kimchi breath somehow. LOL j/k edit: meant for montrealman ...Qwerety is the member above me LOL Last edited: Apr 29, 2006
...carries around a lot of breath mints with him. Gotta get rid of that Kimchi breath somehow. LOL j/k edit: meant for montrealman ...Qwerety is the member above me LOL
Q qweretyuiopas@ Banned Apr 29, 2006 #12,571 prob meant her comment for kungfudude but wasnt fast enough *edit* she changed it lol
KungFuDude Apr 29, 2006 #12,572 ..avatar kitty looks like he's on speed today. Is it just my computer or is that thing really moving today? LOL
..avatar kitty looks like he's on speed today. Is it just my computer or is that thing really moving today? LOL
Q qweretyuiopas@ Banned Apr 29, 2006 #12,574 Had 2 change her comment again cause she is 2 slow in de head lol