are 100% correct
holdol Apr 27, 2006 #12,468 Still has me stumped about that avatar! :dunno: "Where have I seen it before?"
Black Star Apr 28, 2006 #12,472 Recently passed 2900 rep, congrats! FYI, the sig hasn't been working for a while now, so I just quit on it.
Recently passed 2900 rep, congrats! FYI, the sig hasn't been working for a while now, so I just quit on it.
poggy Apr 28, 2006 #12,474 Missed me, but should know Lucy will always be in my sig and avatar.:thumbsup:
drdeath67 Apr 28, 2006 #12,475 Is probably at work right now since he is going to work when I am getting home!
drdeath67 Apr 28, 2006 #12,477 Is one of the newest members of the board and is very welcome to be here!
michelle_lopez Apr 28, 2006 #12,478 Is not the oldest member on the board but i'm glad i'm here with im (god)