^ Is catching up fast.
A Anonymous2 Sep 6, 2005 #8,103 feels younger than he actually is and doesn't waste a thought about age on his birthday
M member987 Closed Account Sep 6, 2005 #8,106 Can't get some until some is spread around a bit (will get b-day rep in due time!)
D D-rock Sep 6, 2005 #8,110 Is a welcoming person. (sorry I couldn't rep you Pitino for your birthday)
M member987 Closed Account Sep 6, 2005 #8,111 Thinks Tachi did a great job making my new Erica Campbell avatar and sig!! (Thanks Tachi!)
jod0565 Member, you member... Sep 7, 2005 #8,115 Needs a siggy of his own - maybe a pic of the D-Rock hotel.
icerfan Nikkala made me do it! Sep 7, 2005 #8,120 likes to take women for a ride, in more ways than one.