Alisa...knows me so well! Alisa...also wants a hug. HBed! -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Apr 14, 2011 #65,461 Alisa...knows me so well! Alisa...also wants a hug. HBed! -cs™
D D-rock Apr 14, 2011 #65,463 will try to shake his confusion and look for the hugs that seem to be passed out around here, preferably by somebody female and from Canada.
will try to shake his confusion and look for the hugs that seem to be passed out around here, preferably by somebody female and from Canada.
B bustybbwlover Apr 14, 2011 #65,464 has been confused by the confusion of another...but so have we all
HeartBroker Apr 14, 2011 #65,466 ...quit his job as director of one of the most wealthy organizations in the world to pursue his dream of playing in a local theremin band!!
...quit his job as director of one of the most wealthy organizations in the world to pursue his dream of playing in a local theremin band!!
M Member442 Apr 15, 2011 #65,467 got really bored last night and went on a naked jog around his neighborhood
B bustybbwlover Apr 15, 2011 #65,468 knows that jewelry commercials reveal the fact that the advertisers think men are stupid enough to think that women are stupid enough to be placated by shiny baubles
knows that jewelry commercials reveal the fact that the advertisers think men are stupid enough to think that women are stupid enough to be placated by shiny baubles