Is dreaming of 4 million rep. I'll race you there.
PirateKing █▀█▀█ █ █ Jan 7, 2011 #64,461 Is dreaming of 4 million rep. I'll race you there.
Ulysses31 Jan 7, 2011 #64,471 still has a long way to go before he hits 1000 posts so needs to post more in the congratulatory threads in the members section to get his post count up
still has a long way to go before he hits 1000 posts so needs to post more in the congratulatory threads in the members section to get his post count up
Ulysses31 Jan 7, 2011 #64,475 Wants to be eaten by wolves so he can become one of them. Thanks mrtrebus
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Jan 7, 2011 #64,476 Posts some good news clips.
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Jan 8, 2011 #64,479 Still hasn't made one of his great signatures.