The Member Above Me....


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Likes women with breasts formed as beachballs. ... correct ! ;)But, don't worry Alisa we will wait till he sleep, ok ? ;)

Ooop ! Maley, are you watching ?

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Alisa...knows I would never try to control her and tell her to not let Ezy touch her if she wants him to. It's her decision after all. :) I just want to protect her! And Ezy's marriage! :shy:

Ezy...knows I'll be always watching him! :cool:
is very swet to want to protect us both.

Ezy I noticed it before just never posted anything. Thought if I didn't say anything it would change but apparently I was wrong.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Is svartsjuk.