Top player in Member above me ;)
icerfan Nikkala made me do it! Dec 18, 2009 #56,744 has a big thing for Sandra (and so do I!) :lovecoupl
L lurkingdirk Dec 18, 2009 #56,746 is heartbroker! Hi my friend! we haven't talked for ages. everything good?
HeartBroker Dec 18, 2009 #56,747 ...should know that all is well and good! What's your story these days?
L lurkingdirk Dec 18, 2009 #56,748 Wants to come to my house and have a glass of wine in front of my roaring fire. No story. Working, getting ready for a couple concerts, doing my thing. Cold there? Nice sig, btw.
Wants to come to my house and have a glass of wine in front of my roaring fire. No story. Working, getting ready for a couple concerts, doing my thing. Cold there? Nice sig, btw.
HeartBroker Dec 18, 2009 #56,749 ...will welcome me to his house when I show up unannounced! It's pretty decent around my neck of the woods, stayed up all night last night working, now I fear, (without the help of pharmaceuticals) I shall be up all night tonight!
...will welcome me to his house when I show up unannounced! It's pretty decent around my neck of the woods, stayed up all night last night working, now I fear, (without the help of pharmaceuticals) I shall be up all night tonight!
HeartBroker Dec 18, 2009 #56,753 ...all I currently have in the house are a couple pints. (Working on #1 as I type!)
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Dec 18, 2009 #56,758 drinks "Weißbier" ? That's pretty uncommon for Americans isn't it?