The Member Above Me....

Is going to spend some time in the Freeone's closet with me if keeps this attitude up!

Just said I can never fail! *runs to the stock market with life savings*

I'm gonna be rich!! Rich, because I do not fail!!!!! Bwahaha! I am going to be filthy, stinking rich!
Made me lose all my money within a matter of minutes!!!

I trusted you when you said Never fails.... now I'm broke, completely poor!
Is going to find himself walking the aisle to the Freeone's gallows for the heresy he committed.

(Don't worry. It isn't as bad as you think it is. Well it is, but the rope is orange and white like the FO logo! So it makes it cooler!)
Should know the Freeone's gallows is as real as the pornography theme this board carries!

(It was great knowing you for the short time you been with us...)

We will send a FO shirt to your family out of respect.
Won't have to worry about crying anymore once I send permission for the use of FO gallows!

