edits like a champion
~~whimsy~~ Oct 1, 2009 #54,746 Must watch sunsets and sunrises :dunno: ^_^ (Wow! I didn't have to edit this time because someone else clicked moments before I! Wait! I had to edit to type this! Blast!!! )
Must watch sunsets and sunrises :dunno: ^_^ (Wow! I didn't have to edit this time because someone else clicked moments before I! Wait! I had to edit to type this! Blast!!! )
Artimus Oct 1, 2009 #54,749 should know I just assumed Dexter is shown on that channel as it is over here.
HeartBroker Oct 1, 2009 #54,750 ...should know that the baby didn't appear until this last episode. (1st episode of the 4th season) Different countries, different channels I guess!
...should know that the baby didn't appear until this last episode. (1st episode of the 4th season) Different countries, different channels I guess!
ezteban Oct 1, 2009 #54,756 ...has to know that Ez is very tired and need to go to bed now ! Good night !
L lurkingdirk Oct 1, 2009 #54,758 is dreaming of Ez's wife getting into bed too. at least M12 is certainly doing so...
ezteban Oct 1, 2009 #54,760 HeartBroker said: ...is able to see others thoughts! (How cool is that?) Click to expand... ...has to be careful I am not completely asleep ! :tongue:
HeartBroker said: ...is able to see others thoughts! (How cool is that?) Click to expand... ...has to be careful I am not completely asleep ! :tongue: