...has informed me of the death of Richard The Lionheart, felled in battle! -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jul 22, 2008 #46,421 ...has informed me of the death of Richard The Lionheart, felled in battle! -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jul 22, 2008 #46,423 ...knows the King I mourn is Elvis...thankyaveramuch! -cs™
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jul 22, 2008 #46,425 wants to build a Milenaland one day and after his death millions of people will visit Milenaland every year to worship Milena's boobles and artis help in our crusade
wants to build a Milenaland one day and after his death millions of people will visit Milenaland every year to worship Milena's boobles and artis help in our crusade
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jul 22, 2008 #46,430 Artimus said: should know that Milenaland already exists Click to expand... Why even bother wearing a bra. It's like trying to carry watermelons in a pair of panty hose at this point! -cs™
Artimus said: should know that Milenaland already exists Click to expand... Why even bother wearing a bra. It's like trying to carry watermelons in a pair of panty hose at this point! -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jul 22, 2008 #46,432 ...wil develop a revolutionary mammary support garment for those with massive ta-tas! -cs™
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jul 22, 2008 #46,437 should know that you already get things like this for huge ta-tas (at least here in Germany)