...knows where to get the best kringle... -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,141 ...knows where to get the best kringle... -cs™
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jan 11, 2008 #37,142 needs to tell me what a kringle actually is... Im not sure...I thought its something with christmas :dunno:
needs to tell me what a kringle actually is... Im not sure...I thought its something with christmas :dunno:
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jan 11, 2008 #37,143 Smitty said: ...knows where to get the best kringle... -cs™ Click to expand... ah you mean something like Bretzeln (pretzels) right?
Smitty said: ...knows where to get the best kringle... -cs™ Click to expand... ah you mean something like Bretzeln (pretzels) right?
Bonezstorm Jan 11, 2008 #37,144 should klick this link http://www.marions-kochbuch.de/rezept/0788.htm
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,145 Yep. ...also knows where to get the best strudel! -cs™
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jan 11, 2008 #37,146 should know that Im from Berlin and not form Bavaria so Im not sure where to get the Best btw what was right? pretzels or the link Bonezstorm posted?
should know that Im from Berlin and not form Bavaria so Im not sure where to get the Best btw what was right? pretzels or the link Bonezstorm posted?
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,147 Both actually. ...knows what's good food in Berlin... -cs™
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jan 11, 2008 #37,148 is right with that... If you come to Berlin Id show you the Best Currywurst in the world (yes in the world)
is right with that... If you come to Berlin Id show you the Best Currywurst in the world (yes in the world)
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,149 *looks up currywurst on wikipedia* Mmm looks good! ...has had currywurst on a pizza I wager. -cs™
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jan 11, 2008 #37,151 huh? is a Cannibal? smitty ...is so wrong. You dont eat Currywurst on a pizza smitty... you eat it with french fries or without anything
huh? is a Cannibal? smitty ...is so wrong. You dont eat Currywurst on a pizza smitty... you eat it with french fries or without anything
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,152 Just you wait male-man! It'll happen. Bonezstorm...wants Scarlett for breakfast, lunch and dinner. m12...munching on currywurst and fries while gazing admiringly at the Goldelse. -cs™
Just you wait male-man! It'll happen. Bonezstorm...wants Scarlett for breakfast, lunch and dinner. m12...munching on currywurst and fries while gazing admiringly at the Goldelse. -cs™
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life Jan 11, 2008 #37,154 now knows that he has to ask me and not smitty about Alicia! :tongue: smitty...could be right with both statements about me
now knows that he has to ask me and not smitty about Alicia! :tongue: smitty...could be right with both statements about me
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,155 ...should right-click and save my Alicia sig by Saturday/Sunday cuz I'm taking it down and putting up a new one. -cs™
...should right-click and save my Alicia sig by Saturday/Sunday cuz I'm taking it down and putting up a new one. -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,157 ...should enjoy it while it lasts... -cs™
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 11, 2008 #37,160 ...can't help giggling whenever someone mentions the Peter principle. -cs™