has a naked actress on his lawn (the writers strike claims another victim :))
Artimus Jan 7, 2008 #36,861 has a naked actress on his lawn (the writers strike claims another victim )
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Jan 7, 2008 #36,863 ...has the gift of obvious observation. -cs™
B blue ballz 22 Closed Account Jan 7, 2008 #36,867 thinks the person under him is cool (srry first time playing couldnt really think of anything lol)
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Jan 7, 2008 #36,873 Actually he's only 47. Should know that Snake never gets old.
pitino are you talking to me? Jan 7, 2008 #36,874 yeap he's right, but in last mgs he looks older that the prev ones!
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Jan 7, 2008 #36,875 It's because of FoxDie. Knows that i'm a MGS/MG specialist.