Knows that the waves or some kids at the beach will take it out sooner or later.
D D-rock May 20, 2007 #31,381 Knows that the waves or some kids at the beach will take it out sooner or later.
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe May 20, 2007 #31,382 knows that I have 758 posts in this thread! -cs™
P pussy+dickdenice May 20, 2007 #31,386 doesn't know, we burned up the carpet all over the house, while dd was at home for five hours before going out to out-station duty after his three day tour. So was absent for one evening on the board.
doesn't know, we burned up the carpet all over the house, while dd was at home for five hours before going out to out-station duty after his three day tour. So was absent for one evening on the board.
P pussy+dickdenice May 20, 2007 #31,388 couldn't make me understand, Who are they? Carpets? I don't think so. And I? sure sore, Sir :rofl: But already feeling the absence,
couldn't make me understand, Who are they? Carpets? I don't think so. And I? sure sore, Sir :rofl: But already feeling the absence,
D D-rock May 20, 2007 #31,389 Should know that by they, I meant PD, DD, and Ava. I hope you all are doing well.
P pussy+dickdenice May 20, 2007 #31,390 should know, I mis-interpreted the context. Thank you. :bowdown: and I was joking. The board is the only area where I let myself free.
should know, I mis-interpreted the context. Thank you. :bowdown: and I was joking. The board is the only area where I let myself free.
sandee's_fun Copyright © by SF . All rights reserved. May 20, 2007 #31,396 too tired to work today .