Has been on a hunger strike every since they pulled Enterprise off the air.
D D-rock May 1, 2007 #30,881 Has been on a hunger strike every since they pulled Enterprise off the air.
P pussy+dickdenice May 1, 2007 #30,882 is one of the best, though I won't f*** the rest. Read the lines above his avy, modified here.
P pussy+dickdenice May 1, 2007 #30,889 may be right that I came early, but IMF is still missing a T-Shirt,
holdol May 1, 2007 #30,895 knows I've given a few the axe in my time, some walkin' papers, and shown them the door a few times as well.
knows I've given a few the axe in my time, some walkin' papers, and shown them the door a few times as well.
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe May 1, 2007 #30,897 ...likes a guy who uses AXE body spray I've heard. *sprays himself with AXE* -cs™