...yodels in the valley?
drdeath67 Jan 11, 2007 #26,422 To comanduc: Made me laugh so hard I almost sprayed Dr Pepper from my nose! To HB: Made me edit!
M member987 Closed Account Jan 11, 2007 #26,426 ...made me spit Dr. Pepper from my nose, and I'm not drinking Dr. P!! LOL!
M member987 Closed Account Jan 11, 2007 #26,432 ...knows the Dr. drinking Dr. does not sound weird at all! for he is the Dr!! (now that sounds weird, LOL)
...knows the Dr. drinking Dr. does not sound weird at all! for he is the Dr!! (now that sounds weird, LOL)
D D-rock Jan 11, 2007 #26,438 Has something murderous, untiring, and undying thing in his sig. It seems appropriate.