is happy that the heat is gone but wishes the rain would go! LOL
holdol Sep 26, 2006 #22,622 is anticipating another year better, even more the coming of November...hey that rhymed!
P pussy+dickdenice Sep 26, 2006 #22,623 holdol: made me edit. :hatsoff: drdeath: is thinking about changing his long-awaited sig. pd
P pussy+dickdenice Sep 26, 2006 #22,627 knows that, if having a jumping Jane inside you feels good, then I feel great. pd Calling all Janes to bed for.......... rest. dd
knows that, if having a jumping Jane inside you feels good, then I feel great. pd Calling all Janes to bed for.......... rest. dd
D dave_rhino Closed Account Sep 26, 2006 #22,631 Isn't allowed rep from me, so he'll just have to wait...
P Perilypos Retired Moderator Sep 27, 2006 #22,635 ... has probably come back from holidays. Hello, my friend, I haven't met you for a while, welcome back! :wave2:
... has probably come back from holidays. Hello, my friend, I haven't met you for a while, welcome back! :wave2:
HeartBroker Sep 27, 2006 #22,636 ...should know that I believe computer crashes... SUCK! (thanks for the warm reception man I appreciate it)
...should know that I believe computer crashes... SUCK! (thanks for the warm reception man I appreciate it)
P Perilypos Retired Moderator Sep 27, 2006 #22,638 ... has my "See you soon" for now - it's 01:15 a.m. in Prague and I am going to sleep