would love some Key-Lime pie, after a thick Angus steak on the.......grill
holdol Sep 15, 2006 #22,161 would love some Key-Lime pie, after a thick Angus steak on the.......grill
HeartBroker Sep 15, 2006 #22,166 ...didnt see subliminill that was was not visible to himm... (brainwashed voice!)
D D-rock Sep 15, 2006 #22,178 Has learned that lovely assistants make good distractions he can use on his clients when he needs to sneak behind them.
Has learned that lovely assistants make good distractions he can use on his clients when he needs to sneak behind them.
drdeath67 Sep 15, 2006 #22,179 knows I would rather sneak up behind my sexy assistant! And with that I bid you a good night!