loaned me his last bandage!
D D-rock Aug 17, 2006 #20,305 Wants Erica to be on his bandages and to Kiss the bubu. Last edited: Aug 17, 2006
member006 Closed Account Aug 17, 2006 #20,309 Knows I accept that hug and raise you a Kiss on the cheek.
M member987 Closed Account Aug 17, 2006 #20,314 To jod:Will get a hug and a smile, and be all fuzzy inside at the bates motel :thumbsup: To Dr.: made me edit!
To jod:Will get a hug and a smile, and be all fuzzy inside at the bates motel :thumbsup: To Dr.: made me edit!
D D-rock Aug 17, 2006 #20,317 Has found out that the event horizon doubles as a good garbage disposal.