The male penis ... it's not merely designed for intercourse ...

A tangent (created by myself) from:
michelle_lopez said:
Well, you wouldn't have to train me. I'm not a dick slave. I"m a cock dominator. i'll have them in my sweet tight ass,,,my wet cunt,,my throath ,,between my tits,,,between my feet,,,,between my legs and hands full at the same time. Anywere a man can stick he's big meat,,,go for it. If there's anyroom left anywere on me find it and fuck your cock into or onto it. Is that being a slut enought for you or you want more because this nasty slut is no-holds bare. :tongue:
One thing I like to regularly point out to the "religious right" that believe intercourse is the "only way" is that the male penis is most sensitive on the ventral side. Furthermore, select portions of the ventral, like near the helmet, are extremely sensitive.

If God created the penis to merely be engulfed all-around by the female vagina, with near-equal stimulation all around, then why this design? Or from a pure Darwin aspect, if all men did was have their penis' engulfed by the vagina, wouldn't those men with sensitivity more equally spread all around be the natural selection over the eons?

The reality is that the male penis is designed for extensive ventral stimulation -- whether it be of God's design or Darwin natural selection. It's not only pleasureable for men to engage in extensive foreplay outside the vagina by rubbing the ventral their penis all over every aspect of the female anatomy (like with a giving lover such as Michelle), but it is the will of God and/or Darwinism.

Going a step further, many have heard me state that God is feminine. It was God Herself who created man. I have different theories why, but one of is because She wanted someone to caress her body. So She created an additional appendage for this slave, and made it pleasurable for him so he continued to do it -- all while giving him "free will" so he would choose to do it.

Unfortunately, mere mortal and lesser man could not handle perfect God Herself. He kept going into cardiac arrest. So She created woman, in Her own image, but with variety and various imperfections -- a creature She could relate and enjoy Herself through. Men vary on what types of women approach "Heavenly" in their eyes -- but it's because all women are subsets of God's perfection. We honestly are "too dumb" to comprehend the "perfect woman" -- much less sustain stimulation with God Herself. Hence the continued debate.

As much as God tried, She could not get man to stop loving the entirety of the female curve. Now matter what imperfections, man still loved woman in her entirety. Every part of her was a representation of God Herself. He merely didn't caress with his penis, he engulfed woman's entire form as he stimulated himself.

At some point -- maybe earlier than later -- She recognized the need for procreation. It was obvious that woman would need to be the bearer of creation, and taking the man's obsession with the entire female curve, She gave woman a crevase man could enter while still being intertwined with her. She modified the penis to include a very sensitive helmet dorsal, so the act of penetration -- and repeat entry/exit -- would be stimulating to him as much as her crevase was. She was given a similar, but minimally protruding appendage in clitoris.

This addition of the crevase and hollowed shaft caused changes to the woman's curvature. She added a counter, jutting bust to woman's torso to match the protrusion of her rear -- while still leaving a split between the bust with their own nipples so two off-spring (either sequential or the rare set of twins) could be feed. The increase in the curvature and visual and, correspondingly, physical stimulation -- especially the additional of a higher fat precentage resulting in softer, more pleasurable skin for the ventral male penis -- caused man to want to be intertwined with women more, furthering the desire for procreation.

Darwanism and mankind's history has done the rest.

Although the extremely sensitive head was designed for pleasure for inserting and stimulating her entry and clitoris, most men focus on length and penetration. Men who stop and realize that minimal penetration depth is more intense -- stimulating both the ventral of his helmet and her entry-way and G-spot can be a more pleasurable means of intercourse. God Herself further created pubic hair to soften the experience for man, as well as trap semen and allow it to enter the vagina for procreation.

Furthermore, the penis helmet is still most sensitive on the ventral to match her clitoris, and extreme, non-intercourse pleasure can be derived from a male who places his helmet on her clitoris. While the two are engaged, the stem and lower dorsal of penis still parts the vagina's lips, adding to the pleasure.

It could also be argued that the scrotum is external not because semen cannot survive being inside of the 98.6F degree body, but God Herself designed the scrotum as an additional, swaying and loose stimulation -- and she made it so semen couldn't survive inside the body so Darwanism wouldn't eventually make the scrotum extinct. The swaying and flapping of the scrotum is an additional stimulation in the helmet-clitoris engagement, as well as during intercourse -- and, furthermore, possibly why women like their butts to be spanked.

The split of the breasts into two sets of sacks and nipples, as well as split rear for the anus, also became instant components of stimulation for the largely ventral sensitive penis. Especially the bust, which has the softest skin free of anything but milk sacks and supportive/protective fat. I don't think this was unintentional by God Herself, although it probably wasn't Her first consideration -- but a nice "side effect" in the worship of woman by man. Especially since She knew the protruding rear and countering, jutting bust would be a major focus of man.

Another, possibly intended by God Herself, benefit of man is option of oral stimulation. With the sensitive dorsal side of the helmet, it is ideal for partial insertion into the woman's mouth, and the area ideally placed for direct stimulation of the tongue. One might argue the protein amino acid design combined with the early emphasis on Fruitcose (fruit) in religious texts meant to suggest that this "additional pleasure" was by God Herself's own design -- for not just the man, but the woman as well by recommending the male sweeten his semen with fruit for her pleasure in consumption.

Now while people argue whether or not God Herself intented this, I can tell you that God Herself was full aware of it! Proof? Two reasons: one, saliva is a spermicide, and two, the female oral cavity is not ideally suited for full penetration. God Herself knew that oral stimulation might make an attractive alternative for men, and might inhibit intercourse and, therefore, procreation. So she made sure that, with siliva as a spermicide, Darwinism would favore those who did not heavily practice oral sex. And with the smaller cavity, she kept man non-dominating and focused on inter-twined and mutual love making.

I still think God intended woman-on-man oral sex. Unfortunately, I don't think woman today like it as much as God Herself designed. Why? Because of Darwinism, those women who loved it the most did not procreate as much. As such, while I consider oral woman-on-man sex very natural, it is often not practice well by men. The key continues to be limited penetration and lots of fruitcose consumption for her enjoyment.

Now going the other way, man-on-woman oral sex, nothing has changed. The female clitoris is ideally designed for male, oral application. One might even argue the tongue, which did not need to be extended from the mouth, was explicitly extended from the mouth by God Herself for this very reason -- male-on-female oral sex! Especially with the issues with an extending tongue (accidental swallow, blockage of airways, including the nose-to-mouth pathways, etc...). Darwinism then took over from there, with the woman most procreating being those who have male lovers that ensure their complete stimulation and foreplay.

In any case, I believe -- both by devine, feminine creation/planning/intervention (especially in how we differ from sexual practices from other animals, even mammals) and how Darwinism has played out (largely how God Herself intented, with a few unintentional effects) -- the male penis was heavily designed for non-intercourse.

And I have to believe that women are, as Michelle said it best, "cock dominators" -- starting with God Herself from the epoch.
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I mean "ventral" when I say "dorsal"

I screwed up and said "dorsal" when I meant "ventral." I edited most of the instances before 10 minutes were up, but there are still a few places I didn't catch. If the mods can clean that up, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Hear's the problem. You're so good at spewing words out that I can never tell of you are just bullshitting everyone or that you actually beleive this stuff you make up. Sorry.

Taking into account that you may actually mean this, my main gripe is that generally you seem very intelligent and insightfull however, you think there's a god.
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Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
These are some very interesting ideas. Well done on backing up your title line!

Though I wince a little at so much being attributed to God (I'm a pretty staunch athiest), I do agree that if a God exists in any shape/way/form that is commonly thought of, she's a woman. The simple fact that women bear life is telling.

...and Tgunz, you should not be attributing a belief in God to have anything to do with intelligence. You don't even have to take more than a minute's look at genius throughout history to find that's a erroneous place to be.
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Re: I mean "ventral" when I say "dorsal"

Prof Voluptuary said:
I screwed up and said "dorsal" when I meant "ventral." I edited most of the instances before 10 minutes were up, but there are still a few places I didn't catch. If the mods can clean that up, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Outsanding post. Maybe not everyone will share that opinion but deep post never the less. From woman to woman it differs because not everyone his looking for the same thing. Same thing for the guy,s who'll love a woman because she's tight and other guy,s will love a woman because they have room to play inside. I say, find the partner that suits you better and everyone's happy. I know personally that i'am never going to leave my 10inch black monster. Even do many of my clients have 6inche to 7 pretty mutch most of the time and there great at pleasing me in every sense , let it be in my wet cunt or nice ass. When a man penetrates me in one or the other ,if he's a least over 6 i'm going to fell it very well. It,s just that for this girl a 3inch or 4 just doesn,T arouse me and doesn't make me fell mutch inside and i love felling it deep. But that,s just me. like i said it differs from one girl to the next.
Tgunz262 said:
Hear's the problem. You're so good at spewing words out that I can never tell of you are just bullshitting everyone or that you actually beleive this stuff you make up. Sorry. Taking into account that you may actually mean this, my main gripe is that generally you seem very intelligent and insightfull however, you think there's a god. Oops.
What I believe is unimportant. The fact that I can find ways to explain things is of more interest -- especially using the beliefs and considerations of others. That's how I deal with people. I don't try to change their opinions, I try to point out where their views are correct and where they are in direct conflict with logical and rational thinking using their own opinions or statements.

E.g., this argument above makes a strong case that the penis was not designed by either God and/or a result of Darwinism merely for intercourse and procreation. So it applies, at least in part, to those who believe in Creationalism and/or Darwinism. I could use it to argue that God didn't want us to just have intercourse. And I could argue that there might be a hint of "Intelligent Design" and not merely Darwinism.

I don't know if I believe in "God," a "singularity" or other "single entity" and I don't fret over it in any case. But if there is a "God," She is feminine. I have deduced that much!

Buit I do believe there is some "Intelligent Design" in and of the universe -- possibly not just in its beginnings (if there ever was such -- I believe time is actually curved, not linearly infinite), but possibly at select points in time. Including giving an explaination (even if we can't understand it) behind the human, and possibly animal, conscience.

Darwinism is only a theory, a damn good one that explains a lot of things. But Darwinism doesn't explain a lot. Everything else is just suggested explaination or belief, not theory. I have made a suggestion, it is not necessarily "my belief." But you can't fault me for giving some good ones! ;)

If you still don't understand me, then you're still probably wondering if I'm a Democrat or Republican. People who ask that question aren't asking a question, but making a question out of a great number of assumptions and limitations. ;)
Rattrap said:
...and Tgunz, you should not be attributing a belief in God to have anything to do with intelligence. You don't even have to take more than a minute's look at genius throughout history to find that's a erroneous place to be.

Oh, of all people, I'd have to say Kepler was my all-time-favorite. The orbits of the planets are explained by the ratios between the perfect polynomial solids. Even Galileo had many interesting conversations and relationships to those in the Church. And some even believed in his work and disagreed with the Church.

Case-in-point: Don't confuse spirituality and the search for God with the origins, power and, quite often, corruption of any man-made institution built around God. As I said, the best way for a kid to hear what Monica Lewinsky did to Bill Clinton was for their parents to take them to Church.
Eternal love affairs ...

michelle_lopez said:
Outsanding post. Maybe not everyone will share that opinion but deep post never the less.
It's a set of explanations, using some logic with creativity. As far as my "beliefs" or "opinions," I don't always state them directly.
michelle_lopez said:
From woman to woman it differs because not everyone his looking for the same thing. Same thing for the guy,s who'll love a woman because she's tight and other guy,s will love a woman because they have room to play inside. I say, find the partner that suits you better and everyone's happy.
But your partner and you will change as you both age. That's what an eternal love affair is all about!

My wife was a size 6 (starving herself), 36C when I met her.
She was a size 16, 40DD when I married her.
She's been as heavy as a size 20, 44F.
And she's around a size 14, 38D/40DD right now.

She had several male partners for intercourse before I. One thing she feared was intercourse with me, so much so we didn't until the 3rd night after our wedding. We only make love about 10 times that first year as a result.

Today, 13 years later (I met her when she was 19) she's more loose -- both her vagina and her breasts in form. In another 13 years, she will be different again. And guess what? It's getting better every year!

michelle_lopez said:
I know personally that i'am never going to leave my 10inch black monster. Even do many of my clients have 6inche to 7 pretty mutch most of the time and there great at pleasing me in every sense , let it be in my wet cunt or nice ass. When a man penetrates me in one or the other ,if he's a least over 6 i'm going to fell it very well. It,s just that for this girl a 3inch or 4 just doesn,T arouse me and doesn't make me fell mutch inside and i love felling it deep. But that,s just me. like i said it differs from one girl to the next.
I'm only 6.5 inches. My wife had men longer than me before me. But to paraphrase my wife's gyno after our first year of marriage, "Wow! How often do you and your husband do it?" She was shocked to hear we only did it about 10 times -- nearly all on her period so she had extra lubrication.

"Tight" and "loose" are short-term considerations. An eternal love affair knows all.

In fact, one might make a spiritual case that when lifelong lovers die, their relationship and romance just hits a different plane -- but a change they can handle, because they loved a life together through every change.
Wow, you think Dan Brown took some heat, just imagine what the molester, I mean Catholic Church, would think of the Prof's theory on the penis. :banger:
Re: Eternal love affairs ...

Prof Voluptuary said:
It's a set of explanations, using some logic with creativity. As far as my "beliefs" or "opinions," I don't always state them directly.
But your partner and you will change as you both age. That's what an eternal love affair is all about!

My wife was a size 6 (starving herself), 36C when I met her.
She was a size 16, 40DD when I married her.
She's been as heavy as a size 20, 44F.
And she's around a size 14, 38D/40DD right now.

She had several male partners for intercourse before I. One thing she feared was intercourse with me, so much so we didn't until the 3rd night after our wedding. We only make love about 10 times that first year as a result.

Today, 13 years later (I met her when she was 19) she's more loose -- both her vagina and her breasts in form. In another 13 years, she will be different again. And guess what? It's getting better every year!

I'm only 6.5 inches. My wife had men longer than me before me. But to paraphrase my wife's gyno after our first year of marriage, "Wow! How often do you and your husband do it?" She was shocked to hear we only did it about 10 times -- nearly all on her period so she had extra lubrication.

"Tight" and "loose" are short-term considerations. An eternal love affair knows all.

In fact, one might make a spiritual case that when lifelong lovers die, their relationship and romance just hits a different plane -- but a change they can handle, because they loved a life together through every change.

Well,,,people change because they let it happen. You get older yes,,,but the shape is a question of descipline. I love being in good shape for myself and for him and he's the same way. We work at it every day and we love pleasing eachother. We will get older but we will never change because we want to keep ourself happy and thats what a real couple does. They work at their relationship and make it grow. People let it die and let themself die along with it. thats why they change pure and simple. Don't let it be,,and it never will.
Big kiss :lovecoupl
I don't believe in God, and as such I find many comments about what God meant for us a bit hard to understand. So no, I don't believe in your theory about what God intended with the male penis.

Also you speak of the male penis as if we're at the final stage of evolution. Who knows what it will look like in a thousand years.
Alright, alright. I'll add some legit comments. Forgive my poor spelling as always.

Prof Voluptuary said:
If God created the penis to merely be engulfed all-around by the female vagina, with near-equal stimulation all around, then why this design? Or from a pure Darwin aspect, if all men did was have their penis' engulfed by the vagina, wouldn't those men with sensitivity more equally spread all around be the natural selection over the eons?

No. The long and short of it is no matter what your length, the sensitive end is going to be inside the whole time your thrusting about. And if all you have is just enough to get the job done, it better be the buisness end that gets stimulated. You don't need your entire dick tingley.

Prof Voluptuary said:
Going a step further, many have heard me state that God is feminine. It was God Herself who created man. I have different theories why, but one of is because She wanted someone to caress her body. So She created an additional appendage for this slave, and made it pleasurable for him so he continued to do it -- all while giving him "free will" so he would choose to do it.

Dude. You did not just use 'slave' and 'free will' in the same sentence. Caress her body? That's it? God, all powerfull, all knowing, needed a sensual massage? That's why the rest on the seventh day I guess. :D

Prof Voluptuary said:
Unfortunately, mere mortal and lesser man could not handle perfect God Herself. He kept going into cardiac arrest.

God eh? Whoops, back to the drawing board.

Prof Voluptuary said:
As much as God tried, She could not get man to stop loving the entirety of the female curve. Now matter what imperfections, man still loved woman in her entirety. Every part of her was a representation of God Herself. He merely didn't caress with his penis, he engulfed woman's entire form as he stimulated himself.

Explain homosexualtiy.

Prof Voluptuary said:
At some point -- maybe earlier than later -- She recognized the need for procreation. It was obvious that woman would need to be the bearer of creation, and taking the man's obsession with the entire female curve, She gave woman a crevase man could enter while still being intertwined with her. She modified the penis to include a very sensitive helmet dorsal, so the act of penetration -- and repeat entry/exit -- would be stimulating to him as much as her crevase was. She was given a similar, but minimally protruding appendage in clitoris.

It sounds like infallible god is making quite a few mistakes, and is learning from them and evolving her creations.

(Here's an interesting thought - Creation by an all powerfull, but not infallible being, who corrects it's mistakes under the guise of evoultion. Anyway...)

Prof Voluptuary said:
The swaying and flapping of the scrotum is an additional stimulation in the helmet-clitoris engagement, as well as during intercourse

Actually, I completely agree with that. Espically 'doggie style' :love-smi:

Prof Voluptuary said:
The split of the breasts into two sets of sacks and nipples, as well as split rear for the anus, also became instant components of stimulation for the largely ventral sensitive penis. Especially the bust, which has the softest skin free of anything but milk sacks and supportive/protective fat. I don't think this was unintentional by God Herself...

It's called bilateral symetry.

Prof Voluptuary said:
...Two reasons: one, saliva is a spermicide, and two, the female oral cavity is not ideally suited for full penetration.
I still think God intended woman-on-man oral sex. Unfortunately, I don't think woman today like it as much as God Herself designed. Why? Because of Darwinism, those women who loved it the most did not procreate as much.

No. That god person fucked up in the design stage again. You're telling me that chicks don't swallow becasue the 'blow job' gene didn't pass to the next generation?

I don't disagree that you can't use you dick in other ways than for intercourse and procreation. You just havn't convinced me that it was specifically designed for other use. And don't point out my one 'agree'. I agreed with an exaple involving intercourse and I believe that to be coincidental anyway.

Prof Voluptuary said:
As I said, the best way for a kid to hear what Monica Lewinsky did to Bill Clinton was for their parents to take them to Church.

I have no idea what the fuck that means. No bullshit. I really don't get it. Please explain.

Prof Voluptuary said:
If you still don't understand me, then you're still probably wondering if I'm a Democrat or Republican.

Hey hey. I didn't mention it, I didn't bring it up, and I don't care. You must be looking for a fight to throw that in my face when I made no mention of anything political. For you to assume that I have an agenda with your politcal views is as foolish as me thinking you're stupid for believing in god.
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Shhhh, Nightfly! I think they're just getting warmed up. This is going to be good.
Ahh - I can see the professor is gearing up for the Da Vinci Code!!!!!!

From what I gather he is citing some of the central tenets of Gnosticism in great length...but taking them to a whole new level!!!!!

Nightfly said:
Crazy stuff in this thread... :wtf:

:D :nanner: Don't forget to bring a towel! :thumbsup:

I must admit that I actually read the first paragraph of the first post... then I saw how much more there was to read and said "screw it"... what ever else was written I am sure is intelligent... but the question is, this is basically a porn site... do we really care what the master plan of the penis was beyond getting a guy off?!:sleep:
Geez, some of you guys just take me way too seriously.
Hint: Just because I go down a set of logical paths doesn't mean I believe in them.
This was designed as entertainment with a little thought, and nothing else.